Year 4 DT Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is a design criteria? (wrong answers: A set of rules to follow when designing a product , An electrical item , A finished product , A small drawing )
  2. The housing of a torch is... (wrong answers: The part the light reflects off, The outside that keeps the electrical parts dry, The part that lights up)
  3. The reflector of a torch is... (wrong answers: The part that lights up, The part the light reflects off , The part you hold when picking up the torch)
  4. What is the function of a switch? (wrong answers: To turn the torch on and off, To keep all the parts inside dry, To be appealing to the end user , To hang the torch up with )
  5. An insulator is... (wrong answers: Something that allows electricity to flow through it , Something that does not allow electricity to flow through it )
  6. A conductor is... (wrong answers: Something that allows electricity to flow through it , Something that does not allow electricity to flow through it )

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