Encouraging Positive Behaviour Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is it called to teach a child what is appropriate and what is not Discipline (wrong answers: Acceptance, Punishment, Fairness)
  2. When a person behaves in an appropriate manner even when those around them are not watching. Self-Discipline (wrong answers: Discipline, Respect, Consistency)
  3. Methods used to stop various behaviours from happening? Punishment (wrong answers: Dicipline, Fairness, Respect)
  4. What is it called when a child see's Discipline as being reasonable? Fairness (wrong answers: Consistency, Punishment, Respect)
  5. Discipline is considered , when it does not vary greatly? Consistent (wrong answers: Fair, Respectful, Wrong)
  6. between the child and parents helps to make discipline effective. Respect (wrong answers: Name calling, Shouting, Trust)

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