Ancient Egypt Quiz
What does the abbreviation "B.C.E" mean?
Before Common Era
(wrong answers:
Big Cute Ears,
Biblical Course Education,
Before Computer Era)
The Predynastic era of Ancient Egypt took place when?
C.A 6000 - 3150 B.C.E
(wrong answers:
C.A 700 - 260 B.C.E,
C.A 6780 - 4000 B.C.E,
C.A 6000 - 5000 B.C.E)
Ancient Nekhen was later named whay by the Greeks? What did that name mean?
Hierakonpolis. The City Of The Hawk
(wrong answers:
Peru. Dog Days Of Summer,
Hakuna Matata. No Worries,
Herakleopolitan. The Land Of Ra)
What were the first proto-kingdoms in Upper Egypt?
Abydos, Hierakonpolis, Naqada
(wrong answers:
Herakleopolitan, Ciro, Nubia,
Lybia, Nubia, Hierakonpolis,
Abydos, Naqada, Lybia)
Who was the first king of the Middle Kingdom?
Mentuhotep II
(wrong answers:
Senwosret III)
What was Dynasty 26 known as?
Saite Dynasty
(wrong answers:
Saith Dynasty,
Shate Dynasty,
Saise Dynasty)
What did archaeologists find in Cemetery 117?
Skeletons and many different weapons
(wrong answers:
Hot tubs and arm floaties,
A Cantina,
A Zoo)