Photography Pop Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. A technique that utilizes optical illusions to make objects appear larger, smaller, farther away, or closer than they are. Forced Perspective (wrong answers: Leading Lines, Depth of Field, Scaling)
  2. The AMOUNT OF TIME in which the camera allows the sensor or film to be exposed to light Shutter speed (wrong answers: Aperture, ISO, Light Diffusion)
  3. This camera mode (on the DSLR dial) will allow the camera to adjust the shutter speed for fast moving objects Shutter Priority (wrong answers: Aperture Priority, Manual)
  4. The way the elements of a photograph or an artwork are arranged to make the image more interesting Composition (wrong answers: Space, Saturation, Black and White, Choreograph)
  5. Boosting your cameras ISO too much will cause your image to look Grainy/Noisy (wrong answers: Pixelated, Oversaturated, Darker)
  6. Art movement during the 1950's that focused on everyday objects as the main subject Pop Art (wrong answers: Realism, Expressionism, Surrealism)
  7. To trim off unwanted areas in Photopea or other digital editing platform is called Cropping (wrong answers: Scaling, Snipping, Scissors)

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