
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. descant a melody sung or played above the a principal melody (wrong answers: harsh, unpleasant sound, bad choice, to take advantage of something)
  2. capitalize to take advantage of someone or something (wrong answers: destruction by fire, a warning to avoid danger, to move back or away)
  3. bracelet a piece of jewelry (wrong answers: a riding vehicle with two wheels, in good faith, an army o horseback)
  4. cacophony harsh, unpleasant sounds (wrong answers: abbreviation, a meat-eating animal, the head or central city of government)
  5. caseload an amount of work ( as in a number of legal case files) (wrong answers: to move back or away, an ancient military device, offensive )
  6. candle an object made of wax with a wick in the middle (wrong answers: truthful and straightforward, a melody sung or played, to take advantage)
  7. abbreviation the shortened form of a written word (wrong answers: being short in height, a musical instrument, the art of creating beautiful music)

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