Shark Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What environment does a shark live in? All of the above (wrong answers: Coral reefs, Deep ocean waters, Under arctic sea ice)
  2. How many species of sharks are there? Over 300 (wrong answers: Over 200, Over 400, Over 100, Over 50)
  3. What is their diet? All of the above (wrong answers: Crustaceans, squid & decaying whale carcasses, Fish, turtles & smaller sharks, Seals & sea snakes, Birds & dolphins)
  4. What did sharks evolve from? Eyeless, finless, boneless, leaf-shaped fish (wrong answers: Eyeless, finless oval-shaped fish, Shallow water fish, Giant starfish, All of the above)
  5. How many shark species were found through fossils? Over 3,000 (wrong answers: Over 1,500, Over 1,000, Over 500)
  6. How many ways can a shark reproduce (usually)? Three (wrong answers: Two, One, Four, Six)
  7. How many senses do sharks posses? Six (wrong answers: Seven, Two, Four, Five)

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