Science Lever and Pulley/ Pulley

Created by ftbrady

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. the fixed point which a lever turns on is called fulcrum
  2. other than multiplying a force, what else can levers do change the direction of a force
  3. how would you determine what class a lever is look in the middle and be FRE; fulcrum in middle=class 1, resistance in middle = 2; effort in the middle = class 3
  4. what happens to the force needed to move an object as you increase the length of effort arm force needed would decrease as you increase the effort arm
  5. what would happen to the force required if you decreased the length of the effort arm? the force needed would increase
  6. ALL LEVERS make work easier false; the 3rd class lever does not make work easier; They give you increased speed
  7. pulleys can_____ a force or change is ______ direction

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