Core Restore

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Core Support powder is designed to upregulate what phase? (wrong answers: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3)
  2. Why is it important to upregulate phase 2 first All of the above (wrong answers: phase 2 moves more slowly than phase I, it prevents intermediary metabolites from accumulating, it plays the most important role in toxin and hormone detoxification)
  3. How many conjugation pathways are there 6 (wrong answers: 5, 4, 3, 2)
  4. What is the key metabolic engine of detoxification ATP
  5. What marker can we measure to indicate phase 2 liver activity Quinone Reductase
  6. What comes in the core restore kit All of the above (wrong answers: Core Support Powder, Mitocore , Phytocore, Patient hand book)
  7. Where can patients sign up for daily support newsletters as they do their core restore

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