RDA #7

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Free gingiva is also know as _____. Marginal (wrong answers: Frenum , Gingival sulcus, Stippled, Attached)
  2. The mucogingival junction is the line of demarcation between the ______ gingiva and _____ mucosa. Attached, alveolar (wrong answers: Free, Marginal , Interdental, alveolar, None of the above)
  3. The space between the unattached gingiva and the tooth is the _______. Gingival sulcus (wrong answers: Attached gingiva, Interdental gingiva, Marginal gingiva)
  4. What is the required length when placing a periodontal dressing? Must extend at least one tooth on either side of the surgical site. (wrong answers: At least 7 mm, The shorter the better, It should extend at least 2 teeth on either side of the surgical site.)
  5. In a healthy mouth, the gingival sulcus space would not exceed millimeters in depth. 2-3 (wrong answers: 3-5, 3-4, 4-5)
  6. which dental specialty deals with the recognition, prevention, and treatment of malalignment and irregularities of the teeth, jaws, and face. Orthodontics (wrong answers: Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Surgery)
  7. The Orthodontic team consists of the _______. All the above (wrong answers: Dentist, Receptionist and business staff, Laboratory technician )

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