Created by Jessicarios2004

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is the amoxicillin dosage and when should the patient take it? 2000 mg1hr. before dental work (wrong answers: 1000 mg 1hr. after dental work, 1000 mg 1hr, before and 1000 mg 1hr. after dental work, 2000 mg 1hr. after dental work)
  2. Cavity Classification for anterior teeth proximal surfaces is _______. Class III (wrong answers: Class I, Class II , Class IV)
  3. Labial Frenum attaches the upper lip to the anterior surface of the maxillary gingiva. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  4. After the premature loss of primary tooth, which special fixed appliance is worn to maintain a space for the permanent tooth? Space maintainers (wrong answers: Bracket, Headgear, Activator)
  5. The patient records are: X-Rays, medical/dental health history form diagnostic models, personal information and _______. Informed consents (wrong answers: Invice, Patient's chart, None of the above)
  6. _____ means that the tooth is in a distal to normal position. Distoversion (wrong answers: Linguoversion, Mesioversion, None of the above)
  7. _____ means that the tooth is tipped toward the lip or cheek. Labioversion (wrong answers: Torsoversion, Transversion, Linguoversion)
  8. The system for calling off the condition of the mouth starts from tooth #______ and goes down tooth #______ for the lower arch and finishes at tooth #32. #1, #17 (wrong answers: #16, #17, #16, #32, #1, #32)
  9. Upper left of the chart is patient's _____. Maxillary Right (wrong answers: Maxillary Left, Mandibular Right, Mandibular Left)
  10. _____ are placed in the contact area, forcing the teeth to spread to accommodate the orthodontic bands. Separators (wrong answers: Ligatures, Brackets, Springs)
  11. Pointed side of the wedge is placed towards the _______. Occlusal surface (wrong answers: Gingival surface, Separtors, Gum)
  12. when the vertical overlap of the maxillary teeth is greater than the incisor one third of the mandibular anterior teeth, this is called? Overbite (wrong answers: Overjet, Underbite, Crossbite)
  13. An abnormal horizontal distance between the labial surface of the mandibular anterior teeth and the labial surface of the maxillary anterior teeth is called? overjet (wrong answers: Open bite , Cross bite , None of the above)
  14. which of the following is not considered a removable appliance? Palatal expansion (wrong answers: Headgear, Retainer)
  15. What is the normal human body temperature? 98.6 (wrong answers: 68.6, 89.6, 82.6)
  16. Factors that cause pulse fluctuations are ______. All off the above (wrong answers: Body size, Age , Physical activities, Stress)
  17. Hyperventilation is high blood pressure. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  18. Systolic pressure is the higher number and diastolic lower number.is the TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  19. Which factors can initiate malformation in the unborn child. All of the above (wrong answers: Drugs , Genetics , Environment, infections)
  20. Fetal alcohol symptoms in an infant are a result of the mother. Persisting in alcohol consumptions (wrong answers: Contracting infections, Being exposed to measles, None of the above)
  21. What happens when patient's blood pressure reading is high? Retake the BP after 15 min (wrong answers: Reschedule the appointment, Give patient blood pressure medication, Call 911)
  22. Molar & premolar proximal surface cavities are called ______. Class II (wrong answers: Class I, Class III, None of the above)
  23. Enamel-forming cells are called? Ameloblasts (wrong answers: Odontoblasts, Cementoblasts, none of the above)
  24. What is the last development stage before eruption? Calcification (wrong answers: Initiation, Attrition, proliferation)
  25. What is the final stage of the life cycle of the tooth? Attrition (wrong answers: Proliferation, Initiation, Calcification)
  26. Class VI cavities are due to ______. Attrition (wrong answers: Not flossing every day, Cavities in between teeth, All of the above)
  27. The hardest living substance is the body is? Enamel (wrong answers: Dentin, Cementum, None of the above)
  28. Primary teeth may erupt with a covering over the enamel called Nasmyth's membrane. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  29. Cementum is the bone-like tissue that covers the root portion of the tooth, TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  30. Alveolar Bone is composed of ______ that protects the teeth. Spongy bone (wrong answers: Pulp, Ligament, Hard bone)
  31. Enamel is organic and it can regenerate itself. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  32. The pulp is partially made from ______ cells from which connective tissue evolves. Fibroblasts (wrong answers: Pulpitis, Dentinal , None of the above)
  33. The pulp is damaged due to an injury, the tissue may become inflamed, causing. Pulpitis (wrong answers: Ulcer, Fibroblasts, all of the above)
  34. The ______ consists of portions of the tooth structure, supporting hard and soft dental tissues, and the alveolar bone. Periodontium (wrong answers: Enamel, Alveolu, Cementum)
  35. Mass of blood in the tissue is called? Hematoma (wrong answers: Ulcer, Vesicle, Fistula)
  36. Clinical examination consists of visual inspection of the patient's hard and soft tissue, palpation, checking TMJ, percussion which is ______ process. Tapping (wrong answers: Listening, Palpation, All of the above)
  37. Reversible pulpitis means the pulpal inflammation that may NOT be able to heal itself. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  38. What is the advantages of using a rubber dam? All of the above (wrong answers: Provides better access, Provides better visibility, Prevents moisture)
  39. What kind of safety precaution can be applied when placing a rubber dam clamp on the tooth. Tie a 12" piece of floss on the clamp (wrong answers: Use 2x2 , Use Rubber Dam Lubricant, None of the above)
  40. On a dental radiograph, the radiopaque line, or _______ represents the thin compact alveolar bone lining the socket. Lamina dura (wrong answers: Alveolar crest, Periodontal ligament , Alveolar process)
  41. What is the difference between gingivectomy vs gingivoplasy? All of the above (wrong answers: Gingivectomy is the removal of soft tissue, gingivoplasty is the re-shaping of the tissue, gingivectomy is done when periodontal pockets are untreatable)
  42. ______ mucosa flows into the tissue of the cheek, lips, and inside the floor of the mandible. Alveolar (wrong answers: Circular, Apical)
  43. Free gingiva is also known as _______. Marginal (wrong answers: Gingival sulcus, Stippled, Attached)
  44. The mucogingival junction is the line of demarcation between the ______ gingiva and _______ mucosa. Attached, Alveolar (wrong answers: Free, Marginal , Interdental, Alveolar, None of the above)
  45. The space between the unattached gingiva and the tooth is the _______. Gingival sulcus (wrong answers: Attached gingiva, Interdental gingiva, Marginal gingiva)
  46. What is the required length when placing a periodontal dressing? Must extend at least one tooth on either side of the surgical site (wrong answers: At least 7 mm, The shorter the better , It should extend at least 2 teeth on either side of the surgical site)
  47. In a healthy mouth, the gingival sulcus space would not exceed _______ millimeters in depth. 2-3 (wrong answers: 3-5, 3-4, 4-5)
  48. Which dental specialty deals with the recognition, prevention, and treatment of malalignment and irregularities of the teeth, jaw and face. orthodontics (wrong answers: Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Surgery)
  49. The orthodontic team consists of the _________. All of the above (wrong answers: Dentist , Receptionist and business staff, Laboratory technician)
  50. When placing a periodontal dressing RDA must do the following _________. All of the above (wrong answers: Irrigate and dry the surgical site with 2X2 gauze, Apply Vaseline on sutures, Make sure the dressing doesn't extend no more than 2 mm apically or occlusally)
  51. Which of the following is an ideal occlusion relationship? Maxillary and mandibular teeth are in maximum contact and normally spaced (wrong answers: Class II , Class III, None of the above)
  52. The established system for classifying malocclusion is called ______ classification. Angle's (wrong answers: Class I, Pasteur's , None of the above)
  53. When performing coronal polishing, RDAs should _______. All of the above (wrong answers: Never press the cup continuously against the tooth, avoid polishing decalcified areas, Use pastes without fluoride when preparing for acid etching )
  54. What is the treatment for Anaphylactic shock? Both A and B are correct (wrong answers: Apply oxygen, Administer Epinephrine injection, Ask when did the patient eat)
  55. What are the symptoms of anaphylactic shock? Both A and B are correct (wrong answers: Skin reaction within 2-5 min , Respiratory reaction, Chest pain that radiates to left shoulder and arm)
  56. What are the symptoms for syncope? All of the above (wrong answers: Fainting , Anxiety, Dizziness)
  57. If patient lost vital signs what is it the first thing one needs to do before administering CPR? Both B and C are correct (wrong answers: Find someone who can administer CPR, Call 911 first if there is no one to call , Tell someone to call, Both A and B are correct)
  58. Nonmaleficence is an ethical principle that states _________. All of the above (wrong answers: Professional have a duty to protect the patient from short- or long-term harm, Keep skill current, Know one's limitations and when to refer to a specialist )
  59. Veracity is truthfulness and it protects from overbilling, waiver of copay, and misrepresntation TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  60. When a wall is not available, the operator should be standing at least _______. At least 6-8 feet from x-ray head (wrong answers: 2 feet from the x-ray head, At least 10 feet from the x-ray head , None of the above)
  61. What are the real Hazards of radiation? A and B are correct (wrong answers: Primary radiation, Secondary radiation, Chemical hazards)
  62. What color is the oxygen storage cylinder? Green (wrong answers: Yellow, Red, Blue)
  63. Broaches are used to ______. Remove the pulpal tissue (wrong answers: Enlarge canals of the tooth, Dry the canals)
  64. Paper points need to remain in the canal for at least ______. 1 minute (wrong answers: 3 minutes, A and B are correct, None of the above)
  65. HIV virus appears to attach itself to a cell in the immune system called T-4 Lymphocyte. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  66. Which custom-made matrix is designed and used on primary teeth? T-band (wrong answers: tofflemire, Spot-welded, Stainless steel crown)
  67. If the band of the matrix is positioned left, then it can be used for the _______ quadrant(s). A and B are correct (wrong answers: Upper left quadrant, Lower right quadrant, Upper right quadrant)
  68. For the young permanent teeth, a pulpotomy maintains pulp vitality and allows enough time for the root end to develop and close. In these cases, the treatment is called? Apexogensis (wrong answers: Direct pulp capping , Pulpectomy , Avulsed)
  69. Which condition occurs when the teeth are forcibly driven into alveolus so the only a portion of the crown is visible? Traumatic intrusion (wrong answers: Displaced tooth, Avulsed tooth, None of the above)
  70. Health care workers should be screened by a skin for active TB upon employment and at least yearly during employment. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  71. Dentists should report suspicious signs of child abuse to a ________. Social service agency (wrong answers: Local police department, Child protective services, All of the above)
  72. Which of the following apply to sealants? Prevent tooth decay (wrong answers: It's cosmetic, A and B are correct, It's a procedure to treat cavities)
  73. Sealants are placed and the patient is instructed to have them checked once every ______. 6 months- a year (wrong answers: 2 years, 5 years , None of the above)
  74. The enamel surface is etched in preparation for sealant. Application time varies from _____. 15-30 seconds (wrong answers: 30-60 seconds, 30-90 seconds, 5 minutes)
  75. _____ sealant material is known as self-cure or auto polymerization. Chemically cured (wrong answers: Light-cured, Surgical, Mechanical)
  76. The height when holding the curing light is _______ mm directly above the occlusal surface. 2 (wrong answers: 6, 4, 8)
  77. Keeping the sealant procedure area dry is accomplished by? All of the above (wrong answers: Asking the patient to keep the tongue still, Placing cotton rolls on both the buccal and lingual of the working tooth , Using rubber dam)
  78. The application of Pit & Fissure sealant is performed by _______. A, B and D (wrong answers: A dentist , RDAEF, Dental Assistant, Registered Dental Hygienist (RDHEF))
  79. The try for the alginate impression material should be enough to include the _______. A and B are correct (wrong answers: The maxillary tuberorsity, Retromolar pad, None of the above)
  80. What accelerates the alginate setting time? Warm water (wrong answers: Cold water , Fast mixing , None of the above)
  81. An endodontist handles _____. Root canal therapy (wrong answers: Oral care in childern, Removal of teeth, Removal of calculus)
  82. Orthodontics is the specialty of performing. Straightening of the teeth (wrong answers: Root canal therapy, Extraction of 3rd molars, Treatment of surrounding tissues)
  83. Instruments that penetrate soft tissue or bone are considered ________ instruments. Critical (wrong answers: Semi critical , Noncritical, Disposable)
  84. The specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissue of the tooth is _______. Periodontics (wrong answers: endodontics, Orthodontics, Pediatric dentistry )
  85. Patient sitting position during alginate impression should be ______. Upright position head tilted slightly forward (wrong answers: Supine position, Upright position head slightly back, All of the above)
  86. Dental assistants should be aware of a demonstrating nonverbal communication. Which of the following expressions are considered nonverbal communication? All of the above (wrong answers: facial expressions , Tightening of hands on the chair arm, Muffled noise made by the patient)
  87. Glutaraldehyde requires up to how many hours of continuous exposure? 10 hours (wrong answers: 2 hours, 30 minutes, 6 hours)
  88. The HIPAA manual must include a job description for each employee. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  89. The office manual must have a HIPPAA plan with dates of training for each employee. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  90. To maintain security of personal health information, locks must be placed on all cabinets in the dental office. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  91. The dental office does not have a right to charge for copying and transferring patient information. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  92. OSHA training program is once a year during working hours. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  93. The area of law that clearly defines moral judgment is ______. Ethics (wrong answers: Civil law, Criminal law, Common law)
  94. Intrinsic stains are _______. Not removable stains (wrong answers: Removable stains , Extrinsic , None of the above)
  95. What gives state guidelines for eligibility for licensing and identifies the grounds by which the license can be suspended or repealed? Dental Practice act (wrong answers: Dental jurisprudence , State board of dentistry, Statutes)
  96. Delegated functions that require increased responsibility and skills are called. Extended function (wrong answers: Dental jurisprudence, Laws, Contracts)
  97. When to perform CPR. When patient lost vital signs (wrong answers: When patient has shortness of breath , When patient is conscious , None of the above)
  98. Black line stains are ______. All of the above (wrong answers: Found on lingual , It is more often found in females and in children, Removal may require scaling)
  99. Binding agreement between 2 or more people is called ____. Contract (wrong answers: Agreement letter, Informed consent , Tort)
  100. Exogenous stains originate from outside tooth and may be extrinsic or intrinsic. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  101. Tobacco stains are _____. All of the above (wrong answers: Extrinsic, Exogenous, Is yellow to almost black)
  102. What is the legal term used for situation in which a dentist fails to notify a patient that she or he can no longer provide services? Negligence (wrong answers: Noncompliance, Abandonment, None of the above)
  103. The dentist and the dental team members have the responsibility and duty to perform due care in treating all patients. Failure to do this is called _______. Malpractice (wrong answers: Do good , Defamation, Abandonment)
  104. Tort law protects an individual from causing injury to another person's reputation, name, or character. This injury is called _______. Defamation (wrong answers: Fraud, Assault, Disrespect)
  105. The area of law covering any wrongful act that is breach is due care, and where injury has resulted from the action is called ________. Torts (wrong answers: Ethics, Civil law , Malpractice)
  106. General term for the situations in which care is given without intent to do bodily harm and without compensation for this care is called? Good Samaritan act (wrong answers: Tort, Invasion of privacy, Civil law )
  107. In 1992, OSHA established the bloodborne pathogens standard, which mandates that facilities much do which of the following? All the above (wrong answers: Protect workers from infection hazards, Protect workers from chemical hazards , Protect workers from physical hazards)
  108. Which material dominates the field of aesthetic restorations? Composite (wrong answers: Glass ionomer, Bonding agents, Polycarboxylate)
  109. ____ gloves are used for patient treatment whenever the dental assistant anticipates contract with saliva or blood. Vinyl (wrong answers: Utility , Nitrile, Poly Nitrile)
  110. ____ dental cement cures by a chemical reaction between two materials. Self-curing (wrong answers: Light curing , Non curing , Heat-curing)
  111. Which of the following is a high-level disinfectant? Glutaraldehyde (wrong answers: Alcohol, Iodophor, All the above)
  112. A _____ is used to condense the base into place on the floor of the cavity. Plastic filing (wrong answers: Explorer, Spoon excavator, large spoon excavator)
  113. Cavity liners are placed on the _____ of the cavity preparation. Deepest portion (wrong answers: On the pulp, Axial wall, Gingival wall)
  114. Which dental dam instrument has a working end that is sharp projection used to provide holes in the dam? Punch (wrong answers: Clamp, Forceps, Pliers)
  115. Palpectomy is the same as RCT TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  116. Dental dam clamps are designed to be used on a specific tooth. One of the basic parts of the clamp is the arched metal joining the two jaws of the clamp together, called the ______. Bow (wrong answers: Point , Wings, Hole)
  117. The most used matrix in an amalgam restoration is the ______. Tofflemire (wrong answers: Strip, Shell, All the above)
  118. Which part of the tofflemire matrix retainer holds the ends of the matrix band in place in the diagonal slot? Sliding body (wrong answers: Head, Short knob, None of the above )
  119. After the tofflemire matrix is assembled and positioned on the tooth, the band of the matrix should not extend more than _____ mm beyond the gingival margin. 1 (wrong answers: 2, 1.75, None of the above)
  120. Occlusal edge of the tofflemire matrix band should extend no more than ____ mm above the highest cusp. 2 (wrong answers: 1, 1.5, none of the above)
  121. BSI is a system requiring wearing personal protective equipment to prevent contact with all body fluids. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  122. Employers must protect their employees from exposure to blood and OPIM during the time when employees are at work. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  123. When a disinfecting solution meets all the claims listed and safety concerns are notes, the FDA will assign an EPA number that must appear on the label of the solution. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  124. Microorganisms may be missed because they appear as a mist or dry clear on the surface that are touched. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  125. When removing protective clothing, OSHA states that special care is to be taken with items that are considered potentially infectious. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  126. _____ is the principal professional organization for dentistry in the US. OSHA (wrong answers: CDC, US public health services , ADA)
  127. Name the agency that is part of the US public health services, a division of the US department of health and human services, and a source of many regulations. CDC (wrong answers: OSHA, OPIM, ADA)
  128. Under VERACITY principle, the dentist _______. Has a duty to communicate truthfully. (wrong answers: Need to treat the patient according to the patient's desire., Cannot abandon the patient., Should avoid interpersonal relationships.)
  129. Each patient has the right to know and understand any procedure that is performed. The form patients sign that indicates they understand and accept treatment is called _________. Informed consent (wrong answers: Written contract, Implied contract, Implied consent)
  130. When the dentist sits down and the patient opens his or her mouth, what type of consent does this indicate? Implied (wrong answers: Informed consent form, Expressed consent)
  131. When providing care during an emergency, which of the following should you do first? Check for responsiveness (wrong answers: Perform an assessment , summon more advanced medical personnel, None of the above)
  132. CPR should be performed on which of the following victims? One who is in cardiac arrest (wrong answers: one who is conscious and has an airway obstruction, One who is having trouble breathing, One who responds to painful stimuli)
  133. A fulcrum is a finger rest used by a practitioner to stabilize the hand and reduce muscle stress while performing clinical procedures. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  134. What is the first step of the Cardiac chain of survival? Early CPR (wrong answers: Early more advanced medical care, Early recognition and access to the emergency medical , Services (EMS) system, None of the above)
  135. You are providing care to a victim having a heart attack. What of the following would you do first? summon more advanced medical personnel (wrong answers: Loosen any tight clothing , Provide comfort to the victim, Monitor the victim's appearance)
  136. When Performing chest compressions, how deeply should you compress the chest? At least 2 inches (wrong answers: About 1/2 inch, About 1 inch, DO your best, None of the above)
  137. You notice an unconscious adult who was pulled from the water is talking infrequent gasps. which of the following should you do? Being CPR (wrong answers: Check for severe bleeding , Give 2 initial ventilations, Continue to monitor the victim's breathing closely)
  138. Gag reflex arears are the following: All of the above (wrong answers: Back of the tongue, Tonsils , Back of the throat, Soft palate)
  139. The frontal plane divides the body into left and right halves. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  140. The dorsal cavity is in the anterior portion should be fitted for ______. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  141. Children who are involved in contact sports should be fitted for _______. Mouth guards (wrong answers: Removable space maintainers , Fixed maintainers, Night guards)
  142. What does blue color on Chemical Label represent? Health (wrong answers: Flammability , Instability, The danger when exposed to skin)
  143. Which of the following planes divides the body into left and right halves. Sagittal (wrong answers: Frontal, Trasverse, Horizontal)
  144. Which of the following planes divides the body into front and back sections? Frontal (wrong answers: Transverse, Horizontal, Sagittal)
  145. The sterilization area of the dental office should be near the treatment room. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  146. Dental treatment rooms are also called operatories. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  147. A relined position with the nose and knees on the same plane may be called a supine position. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  148. Removal of orthodontic bands is performed by ________. RDA (wrong answers: Dentist, DA, Office Manager)
  149. AS a single rescuer you will do cycles of ________ compressions and ________ breaths. 30,2 (wrong answers: 15,2, 100,2, 30,1)
  150. When preparing an alginate impression material, you need to add ________ to _________. Powder to water (wrong answers: Water to powder, It doesn't matter, Both A and B are correct)
  151. The ______ should be well ventilated because of chemical fumes and exhaust from equipment. Sterilizing room (wrong answers: Reception area, Business area, Treatment room)
  152. An exposure incident report must be taken by the ________. The dentist (wrong answers: Office Manager, RDA, None of the above)
  153. Normal pulp range for a child is _______. 80-100 (wrong answers: 60-100, 30-60, None of the above)
  154. The special needs patient is defined as a _____? All of the above (wrong answers: Child patient , Pregnant patient, Hearing impaired patient)
  155. Smooth transfer of instruments and materials occurs when the assistant can anticipate the operator's need. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  156. The assistant passes and receives instruments with the right hand when working with the right-handed dentist. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  157. Using one hand for instrument transfer frees the other hand for evacuation. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  158. The reverse palm thumb grasp is sometimes called the thumb to nose grasp. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  159. The way an instrument is gasped also dictates how it is exchanged. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  160. The pen grasp is used to hold instruments that have straight shanks. FALSE (wrong answers: TRUE)
  161. The modified pen grasp provides more control and strength in some procedures. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  162. Proper instrument transfer is accomplished when ________. All of the above (wrong answers: The operators view remains on the oral cavity, Safety and comfort are maintained for the patient, Stress and fatigue for the operator and the assistant are reduced)
  163. Medical waste is handled in the following way: Needs to be placed in a container and marked with the biohazard symbol that is colored orange or orange red (wrong answers: Needs to be placed in a plastic bag without a label, None of the above)
  164. Periodontal dressing can be dipped in water to lose its stickiness before use. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  165. During the placement of an IRM insulating base, the desired thickness should not exceed. 1mm (wrong answers: 2mm, 3mm, 5mm)
  166. The _______ grasp is used to hold instrument that have angled shanks. Pen (wrong answers: Thumb , Modified pen, palm)
  167. Acceptable products for hand hygiene is/are. All of the above (wrong answers: Plain soap, Alcohol, Antimicrobial soap)
  168. The minimal handwashing before and after patient care requires _______ seconds. 15 (wrong answers: 60, 30, 90)
  169. The ______ regulates the gloves used in the healthcare industry. FDA (wrong answers: EPA, OSHA, CDC)
  170. What is the name of the agency that regulates disposal of hazardous after it leaves the office? EPA (wrong answers: CDC, OSHA, FDA)
  171. What cycle is perpetuated when pathogens are allowed to pass from dentist to the patient or from patient to dentist? Cross contamination (wrong answers: Material safety sheet, Pathogen standard , Standard exposure)
  172. If a dental assistant is hired, who is not immune to Hep B virus, who pays for the Hep B vaccine series? Dentist (wrong answers: Assistant , Accountant, OSHA)
  173. Updating the patient's health history at each appointment is necessary. Information should be updated both in writing and ________. Verbally (wrong answers: Fax transmission, Over the phone, Email)
  174. Patients could be infected with HBV and HIV and have no symptoms. This condition called? Asymptomatic (wrong answers: Cross contamination, Antimicrobial, Transient)
  175. Clinicians should wash hands with either plain soap or antimicrobial hand wash at the beginning of the workday for 1 minute.Hands should also be washed when they are visibly soiled,after they have become contaminated,before glove donning,and after glove TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  176. An employee who would have any occupational exposure to blood would be a category ______ by job classification. 1 (wrong answers: 2, 3, 4)
  177. Items in the dental office, such as sterilizers and PPE, are regulated by _______. FDA (wrong answers: ADA, EPA , ADAA)
  178. The healing period for dry socket is usually within ______. 2 weeks (wrong answers: 2-3 days , 2 months , None of the above)
  179. Removal of post extraction dressing is the duty of a Dental Assistant, under direct supervision. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  180. Infiltration injection is mainly used on _______. The maxillary arch (wrong answers: Mandibular lower anterior teeth , The mandibular arch, As-needed basis)
  181. Topical anesthesia is effective only on surface tissue 2-3 mm TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  182. Materials that are placed directly in the cavity preparation (direct restorative materials) are kept in place by ________. Mechanical retention (wrong answers: Chemical retention , Viscosity, Stress and stain)
  183. The ability of a material nto flow over a surface is called ______. Wettability (wrong answers: Viscosity, Luting , Solubility)
  184. Dental cements are mixed to a precise ratio. Zinc phosphate cement has reached the ________ stage when the material follows the spatula about 1 inch above the mixing slab. Base (wrong answers: Etching material , Liner, Putty)
  185. _____ is placed as a thin layer on the walls and floor of cavity preparation to protect the pulp from bacteria and irritants. Liner (wrong answers: Base, Cement, Varnish)
  186. Bases are applied between the tooth and the restoration to protect the pulp. TRUE (wrong answers: FALSE)
  187. One of the oldest cements, which comes in a powder/liquid from and is a luting and base cement, is called ________. Zinc phosphate (wrong answers: Zinc oxide eugenol, Polycarboxylate, Glass ionomer)
  188. When zinc phosphate powder and liquid are mixed, a reaction occurs, and heat is released. The reaction is called ______. Chemical (wrong answers: Exothermic , Mechanical , Light cure)
  189. When providing care to a conscious infant who is choking, which of the following is most appropriate? Positioning the infant so the head is lower than the chest (wrong answers: Giving 10 chest thrust then 10 back blows, Standing slightly behind the infant with one arm around chest, Using the heel of your hand to give the chest thrusts)
  190. Bonding agents bond to all of the following except? Varnish (wrong answers: Enamel, Dentin, Porcelain)
  191. Adhesion of dental materials to enamel is accomplished by _______. Acid etching (wrong answers: Chemical reaction, Mechanical reaction, All the above)
  192. The specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the tooth is ___________. Periodontics (wrong answers: Endodontics, Orthodontics, Pediatric dentistry)
  193. Which procedure involves the complete removal of the dental pulp? Pulpectomy (wrong answers: Apexogenesis, Pulpotomy , Pulp capping)

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