General Front Desk Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What would you do if you saw a Resident run out of the Front Door without a pass? Page a Code Yellow (wrong answers: Page a Code Blue, Run after them and bring them back inside, Let them leave)
  2. You notice that a Resident, Mr. Adams, appears to have soiled himself while walking in the Lobby. What do you do? Call his Unit and notify them over the phone, as discretely as possible, so someone can bring him upstairs to get cleaned. (wrong answers: Do an overhead page stating that "There is an accident in the Lobby.", Announce in front of everyone in the Lobby that Mr. Adams had an accident., Overhead page for the Nursing Supervisor to "Report to the Lobby STAT", Overhead Page a Code Brown)
  3. Someone calls asking if their sister is a Resident in our Facility. How do you respond? Apologize and state that you can neither confirm or deny if anyone is a current Resident in the Facility due to HIPAA Guidelines. (wrong answers: Ask her why she doesn't know where her own sister is., Confirm that her sister is a Resident in our Facility., Hang up the phone without giving a response., Tell them that you don't know if their sister is in the Facility.)
  4. When someone Expires inside of the Facility, it gets added into the Log Book. What color do we highlight an Expiration? Green (wrong answers: Purple, Yellow, We don't highlight it, Blue)
  5. A Resident calls the Front Desk stating that their clothes have gone missing. Who do you direct them to speak to? Their Social Worker (wrong answers: Housekeeping, The Administrator, Recreation, Nobody since missing items are not our responsibility)
  6. Kim Gordon, Unit D Manager, calls you stating that she needs you to call a Code Blue for Room 202. What do you do? Immediately Page Overhaed. "Code Blue, Unit D, Room 202. Code Blue, Unit D, Room 202. Code Blue, Unit D, Room 202." (wrong answers: Ignore Kim. She can page it herself., Call the Nursing Supervisor's extension and tell them that there's a Code Blue on Unit D, First assist the Visitor with checking into the Advanced Entry Kiosk and then page the Code Blue., First answer an incoming call and then Page the Code Blue after resolving the call 2 minutes later.)
  7. Someone is brought into the Facility on a stretcher and you are told that they are a New Admission. However, you do not have that name on the list provided by Admissions. It is now 7pm and Admissions has closed for the day. What do you do? Call/Page the Nursing Supervisor and ask if we are expecting the individual and if they know what room the Admission is going to. (wrong answers: Tell the New Admission that they need to go back to the hospital and come back tomorrow., Call every single Unit, one at a time, and ask if they are expecting any New Admissions., Call Erin Holzman's cell phone number and ask if we re supposed to have the individual as an Admission., Tell the individual that they are in the wrong Facility and they need to leave.)

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