Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. When are EFT payments due? The 1st of the month (wrong answers: The 5th of the month, The first Monday of each month, Any time between the 1st-5th)
  2. True or False- EFT members recieve incentives like ISA money, $20 spray tans, 15% off products, True (wrong answers: False)
  3. In order to be effective, EFT cancelations and freezes need to be submitted by... the 19th of the month prior (wrong answers: the 20th of the month prior, The 1st of the month, Any time)
  4. Sam Smith comes in to cancel her EFT, you help her by.... instructing her to fill out the contact form on the Pacific tanning website (wrong answers: Calling Brad, Going into 'Account Changes" and canceling the EFT., Tell her "she cant")
  5. All Access EFT includes... Unlimited UV/Hybrid/Red-light face, 2 of each spa amenity, 4 booth sprays, $15 teeth whitening (wrong answers: Unlimited tanning, hybrid, and spa amenities , Limited tanning & spa services, Whatever the guest wants)
  6. Late fees may be waived... Between the 1st-5th of the month (wrong answers: Any Time, Between the 1st-6th, If the customer says they have no money)
  7. True or False- EFTs are the best deal for Pacific Tanning guests True (wrong answers: False)

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