Nutritional Medicine Knowledge Check v1

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is the carb count for this list of our in-house items? | 1 mixed fruit cup, 1 whole banana, 1 mandarin oranges cup, 4 oz chicken breast, 4 oz brown rice. 6 (wrong answers: 4, 5, 3)
  2. What nutrients do you limit on a renal PRE-dialysis diet? Protein, Phosphorus, Potassium (wrong answers: Vitamin B12, Phosphorus, Iron, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin D, Potassium, Iron, Protein)
  3. Our in-house soy sauce contains wheat in the ingredients. Is it gluten-free? No (wrong answers: Yes)
  4. A patient is on a cardiac/heart healthy diet. Should you give them skim-milk, or whole milk? Skim Milk (wrong answers: Whole Milk)
  5. Take into consideration how MOST brands make their mayonnaise. Is it suitable for a vegan diet? No (wrong answers: Yes)
  6. A diabetic patient consumes too many carbs throughout their day. What will they likely develop? Hyperglycemia (wrong answers: Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Pancreatitis)
  7. Why is whole-grain wheat bread a better option for diabetics instead of white bread? Wheat bread usually contains more complex carbs and less added sugar. (wrong answers: Whole grains are just better for you, duh., It tastes healthier., Wheat bread usually has more gains in it.)

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