Pop Quiz: Foss Inservice

Created by elmeyers4

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Proper breathing techniques for a Little 2, Middle 2, Big 2 and Middle 4 L2: none M2: flip to breath B2: stop breath M4: rhythmic breathing
  2. Name 2 or 3 Flip to Breathe Progression Standards flip from front to back w/ assistance, safety stroke, flaps w/ kicks, backstroke kicks on back, F&M w/ flip to breath, 1 arm PTC w/ equipment
  3. Name 2 or 3 Swim Confidently Progression Standards front crawl w/ stop breath, backstroke, breaststroke arms no breathe, front crawl w/ rhythmic breathing, 1 arm back w/ rotation, breaststroke arms w/ pattern, butterfly recovery arms
  4. What are the 3 class structures? WaKAFAT, KAFFAT, KADKAD
  5. What class structures are used for a Little 2, Middle 1 and Big 3? L2: KAFFAT M1: WaKAFAT-KAFFAT B3: KADKAD
  6. Proper equipment usage for an advance Little 1 and beginner Big 1 Little 1: noodle for kicks and scoops and kicks or power pack, Big 1: big barbell and work your way up once comfortable, working on pancake flips or backfloats
  7. Write a detailed beginner Little 2 lesson plan w/ equipment useage race car kicks w/ small barbell w/ noodle or power pack working up to no equip, tiger paddles w/ noodle or power pack- working up to no equip., pancake flips w/ assistance, backfloat indep., birdflaps w/ noodle, humpty dumpty working up to w/o assistance

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