Dress code

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is NMELA's dress code? Business casual or a uniform NMELA shirt (wrong answers: We can express ourselves without restrictions, We don't have a dress code, Wear whatever you want as long as you're comfortable)
  2. What does business casual mean? A nice top, dress pants, knee length dresses or skirts, appropriate shoes (wrong answers: Short skirts and shorts, Tank tops and leggings (flared included))
  3. What does an NMELA uniform look like? Any shirt/pants with an NMELA logo on it (wrong answers: A t-shirt and sweat pants or gym shorts, Any graphic t-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans, Clothes with bra straps or undergarments visible)
  4. What shoes are teachers required to wear? Tennis shoes or any type of shoes with a backing on it (wrong answers: Slippers/flip flops, High heels, No shoes)
  5. True or False: You won't get sent home if you're out of dress code False (wrong answers: True)
  6. If you get sent home for dress code, do you have to come back? Yes, and I do not get to take advantage of being off the clock. (wrong answers: Nope, enjoy your day off!)
  7. How many chances do we get if any executive admin notices anyone out of dress code? 3 chances (wrong answers: 1 chance, 15 chances, Endless chances)

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