Innovative Women in STEM

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Who is instrumental in the development of GPS? Gladys West (wrong answers: Rosalind Franklin, Dr. Hayat Sindi, Tu Youyou)
  2. Ann Makosinki invented a flashlight that runs on body heat (wrong answers: batteries, an electrical outlet, french fry oil)
  3. Which three computer scientists used their math skills to help NASA’s early space missions? Katherine Johnson (wrong answers: Dorothy Vaughan, Alice Ball, Mary Jackson)
  4. Sylvia Earle loved diving into the deepest parts of the ocean. She called her favorite place the Earth’s _______. blue heart (wrong answers: blue brain, giant heart, seaweed center)
  5. Mae Jemison was the fi rst Black woman to travel into space
  6. Maria Sibylla Merian was a naturalist who studied how caterpillars turn into butterfl ies. This process is called ______. metamorphosis (wrong answers: photosynthesis, evolution, puberty)
  7. Who was the first women to win a Nobel Prize? Maria Curie

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