
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Where is the liquid rock stored underground? Magma chamber (wrong answers: Lava, Parasite Cone, Volcanic bomb, Crater)
  2. What is liquid rock which comes out of the volcano called? lava (wrong answers: Magma, Parasite cone, Ash, Steam)
  3. What is the crater? Opening of the volcano (wrong answers: The side of the volcano, Magma Chamber, Side vent, A big gap filled with rocks )
  4. What is a phreatic eruption Steam eruption (wrong answers: Ash eruption, Lava fountain , Magma fountain , Lava flow)
  5. What is a fumarole? Steam vent (wrong answers: Lava vent, Magma vent, Volcanic bomb, Tephra)
  6. What is a tephra Ash (wrong answers: Lava, Magma, Gas, Steam)
  7. What is Ngauruhoe an example of? Secondary Cone (wrong answers: Magma chamber, Volcanic bomb, Lava flow, Secondary vent)

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