Manufacturing Safety 13

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. One or more hoses crossing a walkway is _____________________. Not acceptable (wrong answers: acceptable, only allowed if one hose crosses, acceptable if it is taped down)
  2. Adapting the work area to fit the person to reduce stress is called__________________. Ergonomics (wrong answers: Ego, Environmental adaptation, emotional support)
  3. Companies have a better ability to match workers to specific jobs if they use________________________. Cross-training (wrong answers: Sensitivity , Better background checks, Statistical process control)
  4. Demonstrating the skills and abilities learned is a common component of an ________________________. Apprenticeship progam (wrong answers: On-The-Job Learning, Machine operators, Team Kickoff meeting)
  5. A clear statement of expectations are needed when __________________. Training employees (wrong answers: Ordering lunch, Giving Directions, Writing Safety Manuals)
  6. Communicating_____________________________ is important when training employees. At the appropriate level (wrong answers: Loudly, In Writing, In Multimedia )
  7. The process used to communicate safety concerns______________________________. Is an important topic to cover in a safety orientation (wrong answers: Is unimportant, Must be approved by OSHA prior to implemntation, Is a long drawn out process)

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