Mendeleev's table

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Where was Mendeleev from? Siberia, Russia (wrong answers: Moscow, Russia, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia, Russia)
  2. When was Mendeleev's table published? 1869 (wrong answers: 1879, 1866, 1899)
  3. Mendeleev put his table together by sorting cards (wrong answers: writing cards, playing cards, playng snap)
  4. How many elements had been discovered when Mendeleev made his table? 63 (wrong answers: 73, 53, 83)
  5. How many elements do you think there are on the periodic table now? 118 (wrong answers: 100, 99, 89)
  6. How did Mendeleev sort the cards? By their physical properties. (wrong answers: by their colour, be their name, by their state)
  7. Was Mendeleev the only scientist to try to make a table of the elements? no (wrong answers: yes)

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