Hank the Cowdog Chapters 1-4
What is Hank's self titled job?
Head of Ranch Security
(wrong answers:
Chief Inspector,
Cattle Rustler)
What is the mystery Hank has to solve?
A chicken was murdered
What animal does Hank mistakenly attack?
A porcupine.
(wrong answers:
A coyote.,
A sheep.,
A coon.)
Who tells Hank there is an enormous monster attacking the ranch?
(wrong answers:
The chickens)
Why does Loper give Hank and Drover a tongue lashing in chapter 4?
They snuck into town when he told them to stay.
(wrong answers:
Drover peed on Loper.,
Hank ate the chicken.,
Both dogs were barking all night.)
Do you think Hank is a reliable narrator? Why or why not?