Beginning Band Quiz 2
the space between 2 bar lines, the way music is divided into groups of beats
Bar Line
a vertical line placed on a staff to divide the music into measures
Double Bar Line
two bar lines placed close together on a staff to mark the end of a section
Final Bar Line
2 bar lines that mark the end of the song
Measure Numbers
small numbers placed above each measure to assist with rehearsing
Musical Alphabet
"On a Line"
the note head is half above and half below the line
"On a Space"
the note head is between 2 lines
Names of Spaces (Treble Clef)
F A C E (spells the word "face")
Names of Lines (Treble Clef)
E G B D F (Every Good Boy Does Fine)
Names of Spaces (Bass Clef)
A C E G (All Cows Eat Grass)
Names of Lines (Bass Clef)
G B D F A (Ground Balls Don't Fly Away)
Ledger Line
a small line placed above or below the staff to extend range