Housekeeping 2025
Where will info and updates about Settled be housed for Open Door?
Landing page on our website
(wrong answers:
On the chalk wall,
In Rose's cube,
In the tiny house)
Which policy did the state of MN update for 2025?
Sick and Safe Time
(wrong answers:
MN tree protection,
Labor Law 2025,
MNTY mandate)
What is the first thing you should do if you want to schedule a vacation?
Email your supervisor with your request.
(wrong answers:
Tell the receptionist,
buy your plane tickets)
When is the Exiles in Babylon conference?
April 3 - 5, 2025
(wrong answers:
Mar 3 - 5, 2025,
April 18 - 20, 2025,
May 5 - 7, 2025)
By which date would Doug and Leslie like all budget reviews to be scheduled?
Feb. 12th
(wrong answers:
Feb. 1,
Feb. 21,
March 17)
What type of tool is Open Door introducing for employees in February?
Time and Attendance tracking
(wrong answers:
Minecraft tool,
copier counter,
What is the name of the font that we need to install on our computers?
ABC Favorit
(wrong answers: