Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Created by HunterPogue1228

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. True or False : If large numbers of antibodies are present, the infant may be severely anemic True (wrong answers: False)
  2. RhoGAM is given to the mother within ___ hours of delivery of a Rh-positive infant 72 (wrong answers: 24, 48, 12, 84)
  3. True or False : Signs of hydrops fetalis are Swelling and Fluid buildup in a newborn's abdomen and between essential organs. True (wrong answers: False)
  4. True or False : Phototherapy is treatment with a special type of light. True (wrong answers: False)
  5. During an exchange infusion, how much blood is withdrawn from the umbilical cord? (10-20 mL) (wrong answers: (5-10 mL), (3-5 mL), (15-20 mL), (12-15 mL))
  6. True or False : Erythroblastosis Fetalis is caused when a Rh-negative mother and a Rh-negative father produce an Rh-positive fetus False (wrong answers: True)
  7. Review of Hunter's Presentation : Did you like Hunter's presentation (Please be honest....I can take criticism) YES! That presentation was AMAZING! (wrong answers: Wow, that was the best presentation I've ever experienced!, It was awesome! I wish my presentation was that good!, Very good presentation! Wow!, Amazing job! WOW!)

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