Daily Food Groups Pop Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Eating meat is important for a child's growth. True (wrong answers: False)
  2. Which of these is a vegetable? Carrot (wrong answers: Apple, Bacon, Ketchup)
  3. Eating just one of my food groups for the day is good enough. False (wrong answers: True)
  4. Which of these is a protein? Fish (wrong answers: Broccoli, PopTart, Pasta)
  5. If I need to eat 3oz of grain today, and I had two slices of bread for breakfast, how many more ounces of grain do i need to eat today? 1 ounce
  6. Eating all my daily food groups will help my body fight back against harmful diseases and bacteria. True (wrong answers: False)
  7. If I don't want to eat today, I don't have to. False (wrong answers: True)

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