Vocab Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What does the word "Sweat" mean? to give off a salty fluid from the skin pores to cool the body (wrong answers: having a taste like that of sugar or honey, to be sweet, to be excited)
  2. Write me a sentence with the word "thick"
  3. True or False: dawn is the first daylight that appears in the morning True (wrong answers: True, False)
  4. The word "deaf" mean a person that can hear False (wrong answers: True , False)
  5. Write me a sentence with the word "safer"
  6. What does the word "chew" mean? to tear or grind between the teeth (wrong answers: to swallow food whole without breaking it down with teeth, when people over exaggerate their mouth and lip movements, to run away)
  7. Write me a sentence with the word "fail"

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