English vocabulary sounds

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is the synonym for small? Short (wrong answers: Tall, large, big)
  2. What is the synonym word for Large? Big (wrong answers: Tiny , Small , Short )
  3. The synonym for the word Rabbit? Bunny (wrong answers: Hare , Fish , Tabbit)
  4. Which of the following words below is the correct synonym for the word rest? Relax (wrong answers: Slow , tranquil , quiet)
  5. What is the synonym for strange? Odd (wrong answers: Little , Different , Large)
  6. What is the Antonym of Hot? Cold (wrong answers: Freezing, very hot , Chilling)
  7. The antonym for messy is Neat (wrong answers: Empty, Reck, clean)

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