Ch. 1 Science Test

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is en environment? Everything around a living thing (wrong answers: Where living an non-living things interact, Your area)
  2. What is the average amount of rain a desert gets? 25cm (wrong answers: 24in, 25in, 23cm)
  3. What type of forest has needle-shaped leaves? Coniferous (wrong answers: Coastal , Tropical, Desert)
  4. What type of plant grows in the desert? Cactus (wrong answers: flower, rose)
  5. Which zone gets the least amount of light? Deep Ocean (wrong answers: Shallow Ocean, Middle Ocean)
  6. Where do desert plants store their water? Stems (wrong answers: Leaves, Roots)
  7. What are the three layers of a rainforest? Canopy, Understory, Forest Floor

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