
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Enlightenment the Age of Reason (wrong answers: The age of no reason, the series of events that did not led to the birth of modern science., all the above)
  2. New world The americas (wrong answers: portugal, England, all the above)
  3. Magna carta It limited the English ruler’s power and protected some rights of the people. (wrong answers: did not exist, gave king unlimited power, all the above)
  4. Colombian Exchange=Traded animal/food/ideas/stuff True (wrong answers: false , no, all the above)
  5. Reign of Terror was a bloody period of the French Revolution during which the government executed thousands of its opponents and others at the guillotine true (wrong answers: false, nope, all the above)
  6. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen French constitution guaranteed French citizens some rights and made taxes fairer. (wrong answers: was the declaration to the rain of terror, did not exist, all the above)
  7. Napoleon Bonaparte a 30-year-old general, took control. Many French people welcomed him because he seemed to support the Revolution’s goals. (wrong answers: a 10-year-old general, took control. Many French people welcomed him because he seemed to support the Revolution’s goals., no, he was fake)

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