2025 Trivia

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. How many class groups are there at Waverley this year? 7
  2. What 4 Classes does Mrs M teach? PBL, Health, PE and Hands on Learning (wrong answers: PBL, Health, PE and Music, Zones, Health, PE and Hands on Learning, Running Club, PBL, Health and PE, Running Club, PBL, PE and Art.)
  3. What country did Miss Harrison visit in the holidays? Singapore (wrong answers: Cambodia, New Zealand, Japan, India)
  4. How many students are there in our class this year? 20
  5. How many people in 5-6H have birthdays before June? 8
  6. What are the names of our 3 TA's this year? Miss Giles, Mr Symes and Leanne
  7. How many table legs are in our classroom? 88

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