Patient Safety Knowledge Checker
What does PSIRF stand for ?
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
(wrong answers:
Patient Situational Incident Recommendation Focus,
Predict Safety Incidents Reoccuring Focus,
Process safety incidents really fast.)
What is Statutory Duty of Candour
Legal obligation for health and social care providers to be open and honest with patients and their families when a notifiable safety incident has occurred.
Who are your 2 Neonatal Safety Champions?
Vanessa & Nipa
Can you name 3 of our current unit risks on our Risk Register
Footprint, TC, Guideline complance , AHP , 7th Consultant , ROP OPA
What incident themes are common most months ( Please name 2 )
Medications, Communications, Equipment, Capacity.
Who is the Trust's Freedom To Speak Up Guardian
Sylvia Gomes
Do you feel confident to escalate Patient Safety concerns to senior team / governance lead ?