Capital cities

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is the capital of Pakistan? Islamabad (wrong answers: Lahore, Faisalabad, Jaipur)
  2. What is the capital of France? Paris (wrong answers: Brussels, Lyon, Barcelona)
  3. What is the capital of Bangladesh? Dhaka (wrong answers: Slyhet, Chittagong, Delhi)
  4. What is the capital of Turkey? Ankara (wrong answers: Istanbul, Antalya, Korçë)
  5. What is the capital of Germany? Berlin (wrong answers: Hamburg, Munich, Moscow)
  6. What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo (wrong answers: Giza, Rabbat, Marrakesh)
  7. What is the capital of Korea? Seoul (wrong answers: Daegu, Busan, Tokyo)

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