Science Vocabulary (2/6/25)

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. A process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics evolution (wrong answers: commensalism)
  2. Earth's outer shell (lithosphere) is divided into several plates that glide over the Earth's rocky inner layer above the soft core (mantle) Theory of plate tectonics (wrong answers: Theory of Evolution)
  3. The process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change in order to survive Natural selection (wrong answers: Common Ancestor)
  4. Primarily known as the architect of the theory of evolution by natural selection Charles Darwin (wrong answers: Isaac Newton)
  5. The study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species; closely related to evolutionary biology Comparative anatomy (wrong answers: Analogous structures)
  6. A biological interaction in which one organism, the predator, kills, and eats another organism Predation (wrong answers: Autotroph)
  7. Relationship in which both species are mutually benefited Mutualism (wrong answers: Parasitism )

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