Black History Month Trivia
where did Martin Luther King deliver his I have a dream speec
Washington DC
(wrong answers:
Atlanta GA,
Memphis TN)
Which of the following is Maya Angelou's first body of work?
I know why he caged bird sings
(wrong answers:
The heart of a woman,
A song flung up to heaven)
Who was the first African American model to be featured on the cover of the GQ magazine?
Tyra Banks
(wrong answers:
Naomi Campbell ,
Who was the first black woman to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice?
Ketanji Brown
(wrong answers:
Shirley Chisholm,
Carol Moseley Braun)
At what age did Serena Williams win her first U.S. open?
(wrong answers:
Richard Potter became America's first black celebrity in the early 1800s as a...
Magician and Ventriloquist
(wrong answers:
abolitionist speaker,
abolitionist speaker)
Who was the first African American Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Thurgood Marshall
(wrong answers:
Clarence Thomas ,
W.E.B. DuBois)