The Not So Random Quiz About Dinosaurs

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Which one of these is the largest theropod dinosaur? Spinosaurus (wrong answers: Gingantosaurus, Pigeon , Megalosaurus, Gigantoraptor)
  2. Which one of these dinosaurs is NOT a theropod? Titanosaurus (wrong answers: Baryonyx, Bluejay, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Archaeopteryx)
  3. Which one of these is the smallest theropod dinosaur? Bee hummingbird (wrong answers: Microraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex)
  4. Which one of these animals is NOT a dinosaur? Quetzalcoatlus (wrong answers: Iguanodon, Cassowary, Utahraptor , Brachiosaurus )
  5. What time period did Tyrannosaurus Rex live in? Late Cretaceous (wrong answers: Triassic, Jurassic , Mid Cambrian, Early Cretaceous, Devonian, Ordovician)
  6. How long ago did MOST dinosaurs go extinct? 65 million years ago (wrong answers: 100,000,000,000 million years ago, 2 years ago, Yesterday, 415 million years ago, 12 million years ago, 76 million years ago, 859 million years ago , 85 million years ago )

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