Decomposition and Composting

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Decomposers eat _________ animals and plants. dead (wrong answers: small, live, big)
  2. Organic matter is or was __________ alive. (wrong answers: on fire., aesthetic., dead.)
  3. Decomposers eat organic matter and turn it into __________. compost. (wrong answers: in-organic matter., plants., fungi.)
  4. Compost is full of nutrients. What are nutrients? Chemicals that help plants and animals grow. (wrong answers: Poisonous chemicals. , A type of bacteria., Dead matter.)
  5. Compost helps aerate soil. This means it adds _____ to the soil. air (wrong answers: water, spice, bacteria)
  6. Why is compost important for farming (answer on the bottom of the page)?
  7. Name at least 3 decomposers (extra credit for naming more!).

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