Quiz Sheets in the U.S. History Category

Here you will find activities relating to the history of the United States of America. From Native American culture in North America to the arrival of the English in the 17th century. And then to the American Revolution, Civil War, and the events of the 20th century. And on to today. Here you can create flash cards and word search puzzles and test knowledge of American History.

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[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • Government Test Part II on March 10, 2023 (5 words)
    Part II
    Example: What were the Framers concerned with regards to the executive branch?: [m] With them becoming too powerful, dictators, Why were the Framers concerned?: [m] They did not want kings to rule., What is one example of shared power?: [m] All of the above, Why does executing the laws give the President great power?: [m] A President can say who can enforce the law and how much to support that law; Congress can pass the law
    Created 2023-03-11
  • Ms. Stacey Abrams Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The people in Georgia wanted more money for what?: , What were some of the complaints voters called about?: , After the law changed, were black people treated fairly or unfairly?: , to recommend for a job or an award.: [m]
    Created 2023-02-03
  • The Kite Runner (7 words)
    Chapters: 1-4
    Example: What happened to Amir’s mother?: [m] She died during childbirth. , Three words that describes Amir relationship with his father:: [m] love, fear, and hate., Who is Sanaubar?: [m] Hassan’s mother., What discrimination do Hassan and Ali face?:
    Created by SilverdaleBA - 2022-05-12
  • Weaknesses of The Articles of Confederation (matching) (5 words)
    Example: States had more power than the country..... "No king".: A weak national government., Congress could only ask states to help pay debts.... "please help pay".: Congress could not tax or regulate commerce amoung states, All states printed their own money and could only spend it in their own state.: No common currency, Neither size or population affected the number of votes a state representative had.: Just one vote per state, no matter the size of the state
    Created 2022-02-09
  • Tennessee State Quiz #2 (7 words)
    Example: What is Tennessee's state tree?: Tulip Poplar, What is Tennessee's state bird?: Mockingbird, What is Tennessee's nickname?: The Volunteer State, What is Tennessee's state flower?: Iris
    Created 2020-01-24
  • Chapter 23 Section1 (4 words)
    SDThe New Deal
    Example: HIOWDHDUHDF: UHWDFOWDFWDFGUO, IWFVNKLSDVNK: ppwdf, pwfpwdfhphi: piedfphv, phiwsphwvph: phisfvphvp
    Created 2019-11-15
  • English Reading Quiz D (5 words)
    Lesson 47: Of People pp. 79-85
    Example: In which city does the story begin?: [m] Boston, What city did Paul Revere want to signal?: [m] Charlestown, How many lanterns were hung?: [m] Two, True/False: Paul Revere called the British troops Regulars.: [m] True
    Created 2019-08-26
  • English Reading Quiz C (5 words)
    Lesson 30 Of People pp. 60-62
    Example: True/False: John Smith wrote Of Plymouth Plantation.: [m] False, What illness did many of the Pilgrims suffer on their journey?: [m] Seasickness , What was used to raise the main beam after it started buckling?: [m] An iron screw, True/False: John Howland was the man who fell overboard but was rescued.: [m] True
    Created 2019-08-26
  • English Reading Quiz C (5 words)
    Lesson 30 Of People pp. 60-62
    Example: True/False: John Smith wrote Of Plymouth Plantation.: [m] False, What illness did many of the Pilgrims suffer on their journey?: [m] Seasickness , What was used to raise the main beam after it started buckling?: [m] An iron screw, True/False: John Howland was the man who fell overboard but was rescued.: [m] True
    Created 2019-08-26
  • English Reading Quiz B (5 words)
    Lesson 19
    Example: True/False: Robinson Crusoe built a fence around his tent. : [m] True, During the thunderstorm, what did Robinson Crusoe worry about losing?: [m] C. His gunpowder , What kind of animal did Robinson Crusoe hunt on the island?: [m] B. Goats, True/False: Robinson Crusoe found many reasons to be thankful. : [m] True
    Created 2019-08-26
  • English Reading Quiz B (5 words)
    Lesson 19
    Example: True/False: Robinson Crusoe built a fence around his tent. : [m] True, During the thunderstorm, what did Robinson Crusoe worry about losing?: [m] C. His gunpowder , What kind of animal did Robinson Crusoe hunt on the island?: [m] B. Goats, True/False: Robinson Crusoe found many reasons to be thankful. : [m] True
    Created 2019-08-26
  • Civil Rights Movement (7 words)
    The test will cover the information studied from 1955- 1975.
    Example: Said to be the initial spark to the movement, when this young man was murdered for allegedly cat calling a white woman?: [m] Emmitt Till, Who is Not a founder of the NAACP?: [m] Martin Luther King Jr, What year was the Voting Right Act?: [m] 1965, What year were school in Huntsville desegregated?: [m] 1963
    Created 2019-03-14
  • Civil Rights Movement (7 words)
    The test will cover the information studied from 1955- 1975.
    Example: Said to be the initial spark to the movement, when this young man was murdered for allegedly cat calling a white woman?: [m] Emmitt Till, Who is Not a founder of the NAACP?: [m] Martin Luther King Jr, What year was the Voting Right Act?: [m] 1965, What year were school in Huntsville desegregated?: [m] 1963
    Created 2019-03-14
  • Civil Rights Movement (7 words)
    The test will cover the information studied from 1955- 1975.
    Example: Said to be the initial spark to the movement, when this young man was murdered for allegedly cat calling a white woman?: [m] Emmitt Till, Who is Not a founder of the NAACP?: [m] Martin Luther King Jr, What year was the Voting Right Act?: [m] 1965, What year were school in Huntsville desegregated?: [m] 1963
    Created 2019-03-14
  • US History ELD 1 (7 words)
    Example: What continent is the United States on?: North America, What are the first people in North America called?: Native Americans, How did the first people probably get here?: an ice bridge from Asia, When did Columbus sail to North America: 1492
    Created 2019-03-12
  • First Americans (10 words)
    Example: How many tribes were there in the Americas originally: [m] 2000, Which is not a form of government the N.A. used: [m] bands, tribes, confederacies, What did most N.A. tribes have in common about religion: belief in mysterious force of nature, About how many languages were spoken: [m] 200
    Created by jbittrick - 2019-01-27
  • First Americans (7 words)
    Example: How many tribes were there in the America's originally: [m] 2000, Name the 3 types of government N.A. used: bands, tribes, confederacies, Name one fact about each style of government: , About how many languages were spoken: [m]
    Created by jbittrick - 2019-01-27
  • First Americans (10 words)
    Example: How many tribes were there in the America's originally: [m] 2000, Name the 3 types of government N.A. used: bands, tribes, confederacies, Name one fact about each style of government: , About how many languages were spoken: [m]
    Created by jbittrick - 2019-01-27
  • The Very First Native Americans (7 words)
    Example: Who was the first one to North America?: [m] Native Americans, What may have led the first people here to America?: [m] Animals, What year did Cristipher Columus arive in America?: [m] 1492, What were the 3 tribes that lived along the Northwest Coast?: [m] Chinook, Makah, and the Salish
    Created 2019-01-18
  • The Very First Native Americans (7 words)
    Example: Who was the first one to North America?: [m] Native Americans, What may have led the first people here to America?: [m] Animals, What year did Cristipher Columus arive in America?: [m] 1492, What were the 3 tribes that lived along the Northwest Coast?: [m] Chinook, Makah, and the Salish
    Created 2019-01-18
  • The Very First Native Americans (7 words)
    Example: Who was the first one to North America?: [m] Native Americans, What may have led the first people here to America?: [m] Animals, What year did Cristipher Columus arive in America?: [m] 1492, What were the 3 tribes that lived along the Northwest Coast?: [m] Chinook, Makah, and the Salish
    Created 2019-01-18
  • Responsibilities of a Voter (5 words)
    Example: Register to vote : 1, Read facts about candidates : 2, Make a decision about who you want as a candidate : 3, Cast a vote: 4
    Created 2018-10-04
  • FedEx fun facts (7 words)
    Example: In what movie did Tom Hanks star as a FedEx executive stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean?: [m] Cast Away, What year was FedEx founded?: [m] 1971, What city was FedEx founded in?: [m] Little Rock, AR, What NFL team does Fred Smith own 10% of?: [m] Washington Redskins
    Created 2018-09-28
  • Do You Know? (6 words)
    Science Lesson 1b
    Example: What is the job of the front teeth?: [m] cutting , What is the job of the pointed teeth?: [m] tearing, What is the job of the back teeth?: [m] grinding, When should you brush your teeth?: [m] after every meal
    Created by Jessica Gramkee - 2018-08-04
  • Do You Know? (4 words)
    Health lesson 1c
    Example: I get my best rest while I am: [m] sleeping, I should usually sleep at least _____ hours. : [m] eight, When I am growing rapidly, I may need ___ sleep.: [m] more, If I have good sleeping habits, I will feel ___ when I wake up. : [m] rested
    Created by Jessica Gramkee - 2018-08-04
  • Do You Know? (5 words)
    History Lesson 1d
    Example: What was America's first patriotic song?: [m] Yankee Doodle, Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"?: [m] Francis Scott Key, What American Fort was being attacked by the British?: [m] Fort McHenry, The song "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" was first sung on Fourth of July.: [m] True
    Created by Jessica Gramkee - 2018-08-01
  • Do You Know? (7 words)
    History lesson 1c
    Example: What do we call holidays that only people of the USA celebrate?: [m] patriotic holidays, When is Veterans Day?: [m] November 11, Why do we celebrate Flag Day?: the day our flag was given to Congress, Who made the first flag>: [m] Betsy Ross
    Created by Jessica Gramkee - 2018-08-01
  • History Quiz (4 words)
    Chapter 14: Lesson 3
    Example: What is a "free state"?: [m] A state that did not allow slavery at all, What were "states' rights"?: [m] The idea that states have the right to make decisions about issues concerning their state., What is a "slavery state"?: [m] A state that allowed slavery, Who was John C. Calhoun?: A United States senator from South Carolina who believed in states rights.
    Created 2018-04-16
  • Unit Test: A New Century (7 words)
    African Americans in WW I, the Great Depression, and WW II
    Example: What was the movement of thousands of African Americans who left the South in search of better opportunities in the North called?: [m] The Great Migration, What were the two main of push factors that caused the Great Migration?: [m] racism and unemployment, What was the main pull factor that caused the Great Migration?: [m] employment and economic opportunities, Which city in the North experienced tremendous growth between 1910-1920 due to the Great Migration?: [m] Detroit
    Created 2018-04-10
  • Chapter 13 Section 2 Quiz (6 words)
    Example: What is pump priming?: [m] Give people jobs by making public projects which stimulates the economy, What was the Social Security Act?: [m] Pension system for retirees and injured workers, How did the Wagner Act help employees?: [m] Gave them the ability for the unions to negotiate about hours,wages and other conditons, What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do?: [m] Banned child labor, made a minimum wage and made workweek 44 hours
    Created 2018-02-13
  • Chapter 12 Section 2 Quiz (6 words)
    Example: What is pump priming?: [m] Give people jobs by making public projects which stimulates the economy, What was the Social Security Act?: [m] Pension system for retirees and injured workers, How did the Wagner Act help employees?: [m] Gave them the ability for the unions to negotiate about hours,wages and other conditons, What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do?: [m] Banned child labor, made a minimum wage and made workweek 44 hours
    Created 2018-02-13
  • Chapter 12 Section 2 Quiz (6 words)
    Example: What is pump priming?: [m] Give people jobs by making public projects which stimulates the economy, What was the Social Security Act?: [m] Pension system for retirees and injured workers, How did the Wagner Act help employees?: [m] Gave them the ability for the unions to negotiate about hours,wages and other conditons, What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do?: [m] Banned child labor, made a minimum wage and made workweek 44 hours
    Created 2018-02-13
  • Jamestown and Plymouth (6 words)
    Example: What are push and pull factors?: Factors that determine why someone moves from one place to another., Define ESPN.: Economic, Social, Politica, and Environmental., Which colony only sent 100 men and boys?: Jamestown, What is the name of the first representative government?: House of Burgesses
    Created 2017-09-19
  • What Lead up to the French and Indian war? (7 words)
    There are many parrts to this so have your thinking cap on!
    Example: Who collected the taxes? 1 point: The tax colecters. 1 point, What was the British Paliment? 2 points: Great Britan's government. 2 points, Who were the colonists and what was a colonist? 4 points: The ordnary people beaing ruled by KIng George. 4 points, What did the colonist dod to the tax collecters? 5 points: The colonists would tar & feather and hang the tax collecters 5 points.
    Created 2016-12-04
  • A Declaration of Independence (5 words)
    Example: How many pages of the pamphlet title "Common Sense" were published?: There were %0 pages in thte "Common Sense" pamphlet., Where was the pamphlet titled common sense published?: It was published in Philadepia , What was the impact of the Declaration of Independence?: The impact was that it gave the colonist rights and gave them more freedom. , Why is the list of grievances against the king an important part of the Declaration? : The king's actions shows the evidence of his unrightfulness and how he violated the rights of the colonists.
    Created 2016-06-02
  • j (4 words)
    Example: Marvel Comics introduces this superhero in March 1941: a, b, c, d
    Created 2016-04-04
  • NAthan (4 words)
    Example: Father serra died on the El Camino Real: False, ddd: cc, ddd: dd, sss: gdf
    Created 2014-03-20
  • Social Studies (7 words)
    hope you enjoy (MAYBE)
    Example: What is Prospect?: expectation;likely outcome, What is Cease?: to stop;to come to an end, What is Crisis?: turning point or deciding event in history, What is Alter?: to change in some way to make different
    Created by Talasjah - 2013-12-04
  • prufa (6 words)
    Example: sdfasdf: eee, asdfasdf: rrrr, asdfasdf: rrrr, asdfsad: tttt
    Created 2013-04-03
  • social studies midterm (13 words)
    Example: john locke argued that people have the natural rights of ________ _________ and life : liberty and property , __________ invented the printing press, franklin stove and bifocal glasses: ben franklin, who fought in the french and indian war : french , french colonists indians and spanish on one side and the british british colonists, indians on the other side , where was the french and indian war : north america near ohio river valley
    Created 2012-12-18
  • social studies midterm (20 words)
    Example: the middle colonies consisted of delaware penn. _________ and __________: new york and new jersey , the middle colonies have ______ winters _______ soil and river valleys : shorter winters fertile soil , the middle colonies had _______ crops like corn : cash crops , the southern colonies consisted of virginia maryland south carolina _________ and _________: north carolina and georgia
    Created 2012-12-18

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