Hispanic Heritage Trivia

    When was the first time Hispanic Heritage was celebrated in this country?
    A. 1988 B. 1968  C. 1990 D. 1978 E. 1975
    The decision to have Hispanic Heritage Month start on September 15 was based on several Latin American countries' independence dates, such as…
    A. Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala B. All of the above C. Honduras and Nicaragua D. Mexico E. Chile
    What does the United States celebrate during Hispanic Heritage Month?
    A. The traditions of Spain B. The culture and traditions of people with Hispanic-American roots C. The people and culinary culture of Mexico D. The first Caribbean immigrants E. Christopher Columbus
    How large is the self-defined Hispanic population at present?
    A. 132 Million B. 58.9 Million C. 50.5 Million D. 1.3 Million E. 44 Million
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Hispanic Heritage Trivia (Answer Key)

    When was the first time Hispanic Heritage was celebrated in this country?
    A. 1988 B. 1968  C. 1990 D. 1978 E. 1975
    The decision to have Hispanic Heritage Month start on September 15 was based on several Latin American countries' independence dates, such as…
    A. Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala B. All of the above C. Honduras and Nicaragua D. Mexico E. Chile
    What does the United States celebrate during Hispanic Heritage Month?
    A. The traditions of Spain B. The culture and traditions of people with Hispanic-American roots C. The people and culinary culture of Mexico D. The first Caribbean immigrants E. Christopher Columbus
    How large is the self-defined Hispanic population at present?
    A. 132 Million B. 58.9 Million C. 50.5 Million D. 1.3 Million E. 44 Million

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