Consent and Capacity Under 18s

CQC Brief Guide - capacity and competence to consent in under 18s

    What legislation in regards to decision making is for under 16s
    A. Mental Capacity Act B. Gillick Comepetence C. Mental Health Act D. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
    Mental Capacity Act 2005 applies to:
    A. social professionals B. health professionals C. GPs D. social and health care professionals
    What age is the Mental Capacity Act 2005 used from?
    16 / 17 year olds have capacity to consent to medical treatment and can be overridden when?
    A. likely lead to death B. severe permanent injury C. irreversible mental or physical harm D. all of the answers
    Can anyone's capacity be assessed and why?
    What year is the Mental Health Act
    A. 1983 B. 1983 amended 2015 C. 1983 amended 2004 D. 1983 amended 2005
    What is the Liberty Protection safeguards? (or what has it replaced?)
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Consent and Capacity Under 18s (Answer Key)

CQC Brief Guide - capacity and competence to consent in under 18s

    What legislation in regards to decision making is for under 16s
    A. Mental Capacity Act B. Gillick Comepetence C. Mental Health Act D. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
    Mental Capacity Act 2005 applies to:
    A. social professionals B. health professionals C. GPs D. social and health care professionals
    What age is the Mental Capacity Act 2005 used from?
    16 / 17 year olds have capacity to consent to medical treatment and can be overridden when?
    A. likely lead to death B. severe permanent injury C. irreversible mental or physical harm D. all of the answers
    Can anyone's capacity be assessed and why?
    No- Two-stage functional test of capacity In order to decide whether an individual has the capacity to make a particular decision you must answer two questions: Stage 1. Is there an impairment of or disturbance in the functioning of a person’s mind or bra
    What year is the Mental Health Act
    A. 1983 B. 1983 amended 2015 C. 1983 amended 2004 D. 1983 amended 2005
    What is the Liberty Protection safeguards? (or what has it replaced?)
    Deprivation of liberty (DoLS)

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