At the Ranch

    Stock is...
    A. animals B. plants C. farms D. people
    Crops are...
    A. animals B. plants C. corn D. plains
    What is a plain?
    A. a city with buildings B. a forest with trees C. a farm with animals D. flat land with no trees
    Why did the kids go to the ranch?
    A. for a birthday party B. to help take care of the animals C. for a field trip D. to water the plants
    What do the animals eat?
    A. grain and rice B. seeds and flowers C. grass and seeds D. grain and hay
    What animals did the kids see at the ranch?
    A. __________________________________ B. __________________________________ C. __________________________________
    Who is the main character?
    A. Chuck B. Mr. Ross C. Mom D. Fay
Answer Key
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At the Ranch (Answer Key)

    Stock is...
    A. animals B. plants C. farms D. people
    Crops are...
    A. animals B. plants C. corn D. plains
    What is a plain?
    A. a city with buildings B. a forest with trees C. a farm with animals D. flat land with no trees
    Why did the kids go to the ranch?
    A. for a birthday party B. to help take care of the animals C. for a field trip D. to water the plants
    What do the animals eat?
    A. grain and rice B. seeds and flowers C. grass and seeds D. grain and hay
    What animals did the kids see at the ranch?
    A. __________________________________ B. __________________________________ C. __________________________________
    Who is the main character?
    A. Chuck B. Mr. Ross C. Mom D. Fay

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