Survival Trivia

Overbooked Season 2

    Which direction would you go when looking for freshwater?
    A. Towards the nearest ocean B. South C. Away from the wind D. Downhill
    You are walking along a trail when all of a sudden you see a black bear about 100 feet ahead. What do you do?
    A. Make yourself Known and backaway slowly B. Run fast C. Yell with your arms up D. Knock down your slower friend and run
    You need to move your camp, and you know that the closest town is toward the South. You don't have a compass. How do you find South?
    A. Look for the moss on the trees.. it's always on the North B. Use the Shadow Sitck method to find which way the sun is moving. West will be the LAST stick you put in the ground. C. Use the Shadow Sitck method to find which way the sun is moving. West will be the FIRST stick you put in the ground. D. Look at the smoke from your fire.. it will always blow toward the East
    You are hungry and lost in wild country. The best rule for determining which plants are safe to eat (those you do not recognize) is to
    A. Put a bit of the plant on your lower lip for five minutes; if it seems all right, try a little. B. Try whatever you see the birds eating C. If it is green, it is good D. Avoid all red berries
    In waist deep water with a strong current, when crossing the stream, you should face
    A. Upsptream B. Across the street C. Downstream D. The way you came from
    An early snow confines you to your small tent. You doze with your small stove going. There is a danger if the flame is:
    A. Yellow B. Blue C. White D. Black
    The most important tool you can bring into the wilderness is
    A. A positive attitude and prepared brain B. Gun and Knife C. Poncho D. Weed
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Survival Trivia (Answer Key)

Overbooked Season 2

    Which direction would you go when looking for freshwater?
    A. Towards the nearest ocean B. South C. Away from the wind D. Downhill
    You are walking along a trail when all of a sudden you see a black bear about 100 feet ahead. What do you do?
    A. Make yourself Known and backaway slowly B. Run fast C. Yell with your arms up D. Knock down your slower friend and run
    You need to move your camp, and you know that the closest town is toward the South. You don't have a compass. How do you find South?
    A. Look for the moss on the trees.. it's always on the North B. Use the Shadow Sitck method to find which way the sun is moving. West will be the LAST stick you put in the ground. C. Use the Shadow Sitck method to find which way the sun is moving. West will be the FIRST stick you put in the ground. D. Look at the smoke from your fire.. it will always blow toward the East
    You are hungry and lost in wild country. The best rule for determining which plants are safe to eat (those you do not recognize) is to
    A. Put a bit of the plant on your lower lip for five minutes; if it seems all right, try a little. B. Try whatever you see the birds eating C. If it is green, it is good D. Avoid all red berries
    In waist deep water with a strong current, when crossing the stream, you should face
    A. Upsptream B. Across the street C. Downstream D. The way you came from
    An early snow confines you to your small tent. You doze with your small stove going. There is a danger if the flame is:
    A. Yellow B. Blue C. White D. Black
    The most important tool you can bring into the wilderness is
    A. A positive attitude and prepared brain B. Gun and Knife C. Poncho D. Weed

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