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How well do you know your family?
How old was Ami when she got married?
What country did Abu ji first move to after Pakistan?
Which countries has mum visited?
Which hobby has Mamoo Adeel recently taken up?
What hobby does Mami Saira partake in 3x a week?
What is Mamoo Atifs Job?
What did Hana Massi qualify in before starting her teaching degree?
How well do you know your family?
(Answer Key)
How old was Ami when she got married?
What country did Abu ji first move to after Pakistan?
Abu Dhabi
Which countries has mum visited?
Germany, America, Canada, Tunisia
Which hobby has Mamoo Adeel recently taken up?
What hobby does Mami Saira partake in 3x a week?
What is Mamoo Atifs Job?
What did Hana Massi qualify in before starting her teaching degree?