
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is whirling black cloud? twisters (wrong answers: rain, hail, snow, sun)
  2. What is another word for Twister? tornado (wrong answers: tomato, tortilla, time, taste)
  3. What is one of the strongest forces on Earth? tornado (wrong answers: lawn mower, tractor, trailer, truck)
  4. What was the green paper the the farmer from Illinois saw fall from the sky? money (wrong answers: construction paper, nothing, monopoly money, pilot props)
  5. If the sirens go off what does that mean to do? take cover! (wrong answers: run in a field?, go for a swim!, jog!, nothing!)
  6. Where is the safest place to go during a tornado? underground, like a storm cellar or basement (wrong answers: under a tree, in a field, behind a rock, on the roof)
  7. The more we know about tornadoes the __________ we will be? safer (wrong answers: playful, dangerous, silly, exciting)

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