Health: Fitness Chapter 4

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. The condition of your muscles strength and endurance. muscular fitness (wrong answers: muscular moves, cramps)
  2. When your muscles demand more oxygen than normal during exercise. aerobic (wrong answers: dancing, exercise)
  3. The ability to have a full range of motion with your body parts. flexibilty (wrong answers: ability, stability)
  4. Short bursts of activity without the use of much oxygen. anaerobic (wrong answers: fitness, oxidative)
  5. Muscles decrease in size and strength due to under use. atrophy (wrong answers: hypertrophy, emaciation)
  6. The condition of the heart. cardiovascular fitness (wrong answers: muscular fitness, hard heart)
  7. The ability of your mind and body to work together to their highest possible level. fitness (wrong answers: intelligence, meditation)

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