Matching Quizzes in the Music - Classical Category

Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms... Here is the category for everything related to classical music. From the first composers in Europe after the age of Gregorian chants to the modern classical composers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Also includes classical music from Asia, India, and the rest of the world.

[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • Name that Clef (4 words)
    Your Instrument, Your Clef
    Example: This clef is read by the violins.: Treble Clef, Violas read this clef.: Alto Clef, Cellos read this clef.: Bass Clef, Basses read this clef.: Bass Clef
    Created 2024-08-28
  • Vocabulary Quiz - Piano Love (9 words)
    Match the Correct letter with the correct definition.
    Example: recurring at regular intervals: [m] RHYTHM, The rate of speed of a musical work.: [m] TEMPO, includes only 7 letters: A, B, C: [m] Musical Alphabet , Gently, soft.: [m] PIANO
    Created 2018-11-28

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