Word Lists in the World History Category

These activities relate to the history of the world. From the time of the first humans millenia ago to the ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, India, and China. And on through the empires of Egypt, Persia, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and the civilizations of South America and Mesoamerica. Followed by the Dark Ages and the medieval kingdoms of Europe, and on to the European colonization by Spain, Portugal, the Dutch, the French, and the British Empire. And then World Wars I and II, the Cold War, and on until today.

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[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • How did the Vikings get around? (7 words)
    Example: tar: is taken from pine trees to make boats waterproof, up to 40 men: could sail in a longboat, 18 kilometres per hour: the speed of a longboat, shields: were attached to the sides of a boat for defence
    Created 2024-02-13
  • Egyptian Matching Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The writing system used by Egyptians: Hieroglyphs , The ____________________ helped in decoding the Egyptian ancient language.: Rosetta Stone, Long lasting material made from reeds, used for paper: Papyrus, The harsh terrain that kept Egyptians safe from enemies: cataracts
    Created 2024-01-30
  • Topic 11 Lesson 3 Vocabulary (6 words)
    Example: caliph: title meaning "successor" in Arabic, used by leaders of the Muslim community who followed Muhammad, Sunni : member of an Islamic religious group that supposed Abu Bakr as the first caliph and now forms a majority of the world's Muslims , Shia: member of an Islamic religious group that supposed Ali as the first caliph and now forms a minority of the world's Muslims , dynasty: a series of rulers from the same family
    Created 2023-10-30
  • The Ancient Romans Ch. 9 (7 words)
    Example: Rome was built on a group of?: seven hills, Rome is named after?: Romulus, What river was Rome south of?: Tiber River, What government did the Romans create?: Republic
    Created 2023-06-07
  • Ancient Egypt Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does the abbreviation "B.C.E" mean?: [m] Before Common Era, The Predynastic era of Ancient Egypt took place when?: [m] C.A 6000 - 3150 B.C.E, Ancient Nekhen was later named whay by the Greeks? What did that name mean?: [m] Hierakonpolis. The City Of The Hawk, What were the first proto-kingdoms in Upper Egypt?: [m] Abydos, Hierakonpolis, Naqada
    Created 2022-10-19
  • Ancient Egypt Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does the abbreviation "B.C.E" mean?: [m] Before Common Era, The Predynastic era of Ancient Egypt took place when?: [m] C.A 6000 - 3150 B.C.E, Ancient Nekhen was later named whay by the Greeks? What did that name mean?: [m] Hierakonpolis. The City Of The Hawk, What were the first proto-kingdoms in Upper Egypt?: Abydos, Hierakonpolis, Naqada
    Created 2022-10-19
  • Ancient Egypt Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does the abbreviation "B.C.E" mean?: [m] Before Common Era, The Predynastic era of Ancient Egypt took place when?: [m] C.A 6000 - 3150 B.C.E, Ancient Nekhen was later named whay by the Greeks? What did that name mean?: [m] Hierakonpolis. The City Of The Hawk, What were the first proto-kingdoms in Upper Egypt?: Abydos, Hierakonpolis, Naqada
    Created 2022-10-19
  • World History Module 2 Quiz (15 words)
    Example: Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad?: [m] Muhammad was raised by his uncle in a lavish palace., Which factor/s caused the caliphs to successfully spread Islam?: [m] The people believed Muslim victories were a sign that Allah was on their side, Which of the following is NOT true about the Ottoman's success at conquering?: [m] A plague in Southeast Asia reduced their populations and the Ottoman's encountered less resistance., Which of the following groupings reflect the Ottomans advancements in the areas of learning?: [m] astrolabe, calligraphy, literature
    Created by blujazfan36 - 2022-09-20
  • Paving the Way to Christianity (6 words)
    Example: Phoenicians: alphabet, Hebrews: Old Testament; God's chosen people, Egyptians: architecture, agriculture and mathematics, Babylonians: Hammurabi's laws
    Created 2022-08-28
  • Paving the Way to Christianity (6 words)
    Example: Phoenicians: alphabet, Hebrews: Old Testament; God's chosen people, Egyptians: architecture, agriculture and mathematics, Babylonians: Hammurabi's laws
    Created 2022-08-28
  • Paving the Way to Christianity (6 words)
    Example: Phoenicians: alphabet, Hebrews: Old Testament; God's chose people, Egyptians: architecture, agriculture and mathematics, Babylonians: Hammurabi's laws
    Created 2022-08-28
  • Paving the Way to Christianity (6 words)
    Example: Phoenicians: alphabet, Hebrews: Old Testament; God's chose people, Egyptians: architecture, agriculture and mathematics, Babylonians: Hammurabi's laws
    Created 2022-08-28
  • Paving the Way to Christianity (6 words)
    Example: Phoenicians: alphabet, Hebrews: Old Testament; God's chose people, Egyptians: architecture, agriculture and mathematics, Babylonians: Hammurabi's laws
    Created 2022-08-28
  • BENGAL (7 words)
    Example: 19th centuary: Rammohan Roy , Widow Remarriage Act : 1856, First Indian school for girls in Calcuta : 1849, Sati: 1829
    Created 2021-10-25
  • World War II Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Who was the leader of the Nazis?: Adolf Hitler, What year did World War II start?: 1939, Name the two UK Prime Ministers during World War II.: Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, How many people died during World War II?: 60000000
    Created by SamosaMan73 - 2021-10-07
  • World War II Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Who was the leader of the Nazis?: Adolf Hitler, What year did World War II start?: 1939, Name one of the UK Prime Ministers during World War II.: Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, How many people died during World War II?: 60000000
    Created by SamosaMan73 - 2021-10-07
  • Middle ages (7 words)
    Example: the teritory of the empire include : [m] whole southern half of europe, midddle east, northern strip of africa, what does AD stand for: [m] after birth of Christ, Roman Empire was devided into two states: [m] Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, Romans were the ancestors of??: [m] Spanish, French, English, German, Dutch
    Created 2020-11-09
  • Middle ages (5 words)
    Example: the teritory of the empire include : [m] whole southern half of europe, midddle east, northern strip of africa, what does AD stand for: [m] after birth of Christ, Roman Empire was devided into two states: [m] Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, Romans were the ancestors of??: [m] Spanish, French, English, German, Dutch
    Created 2020-11-09
  • Explorers part 2 (7 words)
    Example: Francisco Pizarro&Diego de Almagro/Spain: Conquered the Incas, established Lima, Juan Ponce de Leon/Spain: Conquered Puerto Rico, explored Florida, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado/Spain: Explored southwest, 1st European to see the Grand Canyon, Hernando de Soto/Spain: explored heart of U.S., 1st European to see the Mississippi River
    Created 2020-09-09
  • Explorers part 1 (6 words)
    Example: Diogo Cao/Portugal: 1st European to see Congo River, trading post in Indonesia, Bartolemeu Dias/Portugal: 1st European to lead expedition around the Cape of Good Hope, Vasco de Gama/Portugal: trade routes to India and Africa , Christopher Columbus/Spain: explored the Bahamas
    Created 2020-09-09
  • Social Studies Vocabulary Words (7 words)
    Example: The time before written history.: Prehistory, An object such as a tool, or weapon made by people in the past.: Artifact, A person, thing, or material that can be used for help or support.: Resource, A water route from Europe to Asia through North America.: Northwest Passage
    Created 2020-09-01
  • History Unit 25 Exam (10 words)
    Example: Who crowned himself Emperor?: [m] Napoleon Bonaparte, What meeting helped rebuild Europe and decided what should happen to Europe's colonies?: [m] Congress of Vienna, What did the original port of Singapore charge ships to land there?: [m] Nothing, Great Britain made Singapore this in 1867:: [m] Crown colony
    Created 2020-04-14
  • History Unit 25 Exam (7 words)
    Example: Who crowned himself Emperor?: [m] Napoleon Bonaparte, What meeting helped rebuild Europe and decided what should happen to Europe's colonies?: [m] Congress of Vienna, What did the original port of Singapore charge ships to land there?: [m] Nothing, Great Britain made Singapore this in 1867:: [m] Crown colony
    Created 2020-04-14
  • History Unit 20 Lesson 97 Vocabulary (5 words)
    Example: dynamic: (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas., prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience., ghetto: an isolated or segregated group or area., tolerant: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
    Created 2020-02-03
  • Unit 16 History Exam (7 words)
    Example: How was Timbuktu important to the Mali Empire?: [m] It was a key trading site and a center for Islamic education and art., What continent did Mansa Musa establish the Mali Empire?: [m] Africa, How did the wealth of Mansa Musa compare to others throughout the region?: He was one of the richest men who ever lived., Who won the Hundred Years War?: [m] Neither
    Created 2020-01-13
  • Unit 16 History Exam (12 words)
    Example: How was Timbuktu important to the Mali Empire?: [m] It was a key trading site and a center for Islamic education and art., What continent did Mansa Musa establish the Mali Empire?: [m] Africa, How did the wealth of Mansa Musa compare to others throughout the region?: He was one of the richest men who ever lived., Who won the Hundred Years War?: [m] Neither
    Created 2020-01-13
  • WWI Unit Vocabulary Quiz (4 words)
    Example: a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy and military force. : Imperialism, identification with one’s own nation and support of its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations : Nationalism, the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests: Militarism, when countries join together to achieve a certain goal; the alliances are mostly formed in secret so that if one of the members of the alliance is in need, the other countries will support that country. : Alliance System
    Created 2019-11-19
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: roundup, deportation, murder of Jews: Aktion, head scarf: babuska, couldn't or wouldn't return to their old homes: Displaced Persons, French for "policeman" : gendarme
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: roundup, deportation, murder of Jews: Aktion, head scarf: babuska, couldn't or wouldn't return to their old homes: Displaced Persons, French for "policeman" : gendarme
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: roundup, deportation, murder of Jews: Aktion, head scarf: babuska, couldn't or wouldn't return to their old homes: Displaced Persons, French for "policeman" : gendarme
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: roundup, deportation, murder of Jews: Aktion, head scarf: babuska, couldn't or wouldn't return to their old homes: Displaced Persons, French for "policeman" : gendarme
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: roundup, deportation, murder of Jews: Aktion, head scarf: babuska, couldn't or wouldn't return to their old homes: Displaced Persons, French for "policeman" : gendarme
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: Niutek's ID Number: 68616, Agnes' ID Number: A18667, The Day Niutek felt reborn: May 8, 1945, Who saved Niutek in the infirmary: David
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: Niutek's ID Number: 68616, Agnes' ID Number: A18667, The Day Niutek felt reborn: May 8, 1945, Who saved Niutek in the infirmary: David
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: Niutek's ID Number: 68616, Agnes' ID Number: A18667, The Day Niutek felt reborn: May 8, 1945, Who saved Niutek in the infirmary: David
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: Niutek's ID Number: 68616, Agnes' ID Number: A18667, The Day Niutek felt reborn: May 8, 1945, Who saved Niutek in the infirmary: David
    Created 2019-10-31
  • Frajman (7 words)
    Example: Niutek's ID Number: 68616, Agnes' ID Number: A18667, The Day Niutek felt reborn: May 8, 1945, Who saved Niutek in the infirmary: David
    Created 2019-10-31
  • World History (7 words)
    Example: King James gained his mothers' throne in Scotland and Elizabeth's throne in England: [m] True, King James was known for what?: [m] making the new English translated Bible, When the English arrived in America, what did they name their town?: [m] Jamestown, John Smith married Pochahontas: [m] False
    Created 2019-08-23
  • World History (7 words)
    Example: Charles became a teenager with three thrones: [m] True, What title did Charles desire?: [m] Holy Roman Emperor, Who inherited Charles land?: his brother and son, Charles' son was Philip?: [m] True
    Created 2019-08-23
  • Movie apple (7 words)
    Example: apple, caligrafía, Tyrell, ordenadores
    Created by micahel - 2019-04-24
  • TASH & ADAM'S NEW YEAR QUIZ (7 words)
    Example: Who was the only ruler of Britain never to have been Queen or King?: Oliver Cromwell, Who was elected US President in 1960: John F Kennedy, Which two counties fought the war of the roses?: Yorkshire and Lancashire, What was introduced to the UK postal service in 1852: Post boxes
    Created 2018-12-28
  • Native Americans (6 words)
    Example: What did the "cresent shape" represent?: the moon, What did the "rain clouds" represent?: good prospect, What did "sun rays" represent?: sun rays constancy, What did the "thunderbird" represent?: the scared power of thunder and the greatest spirit of all
    Created 2018-12-16
  • Native Americans (6 words)
    Example: What did the "cresent shape" represent?: the moon, What did the "rain clouds" represent?: good prospect, What did "sun rays" represent?: sun rays constancy, What did the "thunderbird" represent?: the scared power of thunder and the greatest spirit of all
    Created 2018-12-16
  • Early Exploration (4 words)
    Example: people from current day norway: [m] Early explorers, What did Marco polo observe: Gunpowder and a compass, Where did the Vikings live: Norway, What are all of the new tecnoligies: Compass, astrolobe, better maps, better ships, and the printing press
    Created 2018-12-13
  • Sumer/Mesopotamia (6 words)
    Example: A characteristic of civilization that includes the common beliefs and behaviors of a group of people: Culture, A person who makes money by selling goods: Merchant, A city that is the center of government : Capital, The way a civilization and its people are organized (Upper, Middle, Lower): Social Structure
    Created 2018-11-28
  • World War II Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Which country helped Germany invade Poland?: [m] Soviet Union, Which event lead to the United States to join WW2?: Bombing of Pearl Harbour, What was the Manhattan Project?: [m] code name for the American-led effort to develop a functional atomic weapon during World War II, What was the name of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on the 6th of Aug 1945?: [m] Little Boy
    Created 2018-11-11
  • Unit 1 Chapter 1 Section 2 Quiz (7 words)
    Example: complex societies that have cities, governments, art, and religion: civilization, walls, waterways, and ditches built to bring water to fields: irrigation, city and land around it that has its own government and was not part of the larger unit: city-state, skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, and pottery: artisan
    Created 2018-10-19
  • Vocabulary (7 words)
    Example: democracy: rule by the people, monarchy: government ruled by a king or Queen, Oligarchy: ruled by a few powerful people, acropolis: fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city
    Created 2018-10-04
  • Thirty Years' War (5 words)
    Example: What was unique about the Swedish army?: They had uniforms that were the same color. They were paid well and well taken care of. They fought in small groups., What did Ferdinand II need to do to be Holy Roman Emperor? Why was this a problem?: He needed to be voted in by the princes. Some of them were Protestant., What did Ferdinand II do to the Protestant rebels after he defeated them?: Had them hanged, hung their heads on a bridge, and took their lands and gave them to Catholics, What were Protestant princes and kings of other countries worried about?: That Ferdinand would try to come and claim their land for the Catholics.
    Created 2018-09-19
  • Homework Quiz: Early Humans (5 words)
    Example: Why do some scientists doubt the "Out of Africa" theory?: [m] Inconsistence of evidence in Austraila, What does the U-M study suggest?: [m] Siberian origin for Native American People, Where was traces of fire from one million years ago found?: [m] Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa, What type of hominid is the candidate for the new discovery involving tools being used 800,000 years than intially thought?: [m] Afarenisis
    Created 2018-09-16
  • Ottomans and Persia part 2 (7 words)
    Example: Persia eventually came to be ruled by a group of Turks called the Ghaznavids then Mongols came and took over, raiding from the east. Ismail and his clan the Safavids finally fought back against the Mongols. Ismail became the new ruler of Iran. What was hi: Shah, Abbas I became the greatest Safavid ruler, but his uncle who had taken control wanted to have all the heirs killed. What kept this from happening?: He drank himself to death as he was celebrating., Abbas wanted to make peace with the Ottomans. How was he going to do this?: He offered them part of Persia., Who did Abbas hire to train the Persian Army?: Sir Robert Sherley
    Created 2018-09-09
  • The Ottomans and Persia (7 words)
    Example: What is Persia known as today?: [m] Iran, What is the name of a leader in Persia? ____________Abbas: [m] Shah, Which of these would be titles of leaders of an empire, clan, group, etc?: [m] Sultan, Shah, Khan, Emperor, How many parts was the empire of Alexander the Great divided into?: [m] 3
    Created 2018-09-08
  • History Survey (7 words)
    Example: Who was the first emperor of Rome?: Augustus Caesar/Octavian, Who was the third President of the United States?: Thomas Jefferson, What year did World War 1 start?: 1914, What year did Christopher Columbus discover America?: 1492
    Created 2018-04-12
  • Chapter 15 Hindu Beliefs Quiz (7 words)
    Example: 15.1 What are the five basic Hindu beliefs?: Brahman, deites, karma, dharma, samsara, 15.2 What is an ancient religion of India?: Brahmanism, 15.3 What are the five major social classes of the caste system: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, and the untouchables, 15.4 What do the Hindus call the human soul?: Atman
    Created 2017-12-07
  • European Exploration (7 words)
    Example: What two groups were apart of the Crusades: [m] Muslims and Christians, Who was the first to reach the Indies?: [m] Dutch, Select the 4 main inventions that changed European Navigation: [m] Telescope, Compass, Caravel, Astrolabe, What were the 3 reasons for the Crusades?: God, Gold, and Glory
    Created 2017-09-12
  • The Russian Revolution Quiz Part 1 (7 words)
    Example: The Russian Revolution was an event where......: The people overthrew their Czar and created a new government, The Russian Revolution took place because the people of Russia.........: were unhappy with their government., During WW1, Russian suffered many: Casualties, WW1 created food shortages and people were starving. True or False: True
    Created 2017-02-11
  • Rameses II (7 words)
    Example: He was the ___________ Pharaoh who reigned for ______ years in the ______ dynasty: third, 67, 19th, What is he refered to as?: The great, The buildings he is know for making are?: Abu Simbel, and Luxor , What was his biggest architectural achievement called?: Ramesseum
    Created 2016-10-16
  • King Tut (7 words)
    Example: Who was King Tut the grandson of?: Amenhotep II, Cleopatra, Ramesses II, Me, How old was he when he took the throne?: 9, 18, 40, 94, What was wrong with his left foot?: Clubbed, 9 toes, No left foot, Had a hole in it, What did they find in his skull?: A brain, A hole, A mouse, A crack
    Created 2016-10-16
  • Ancient Rome (6 words)
    Example: the first emperor of Rome: Augustus, the emperor who built a great wall: Hadrian, emperor who killed his half-brother : Nero, considered to be the last ‘good emperor’: Marcus Aurelius
    Created 2016-06-11
  • The Book thief (7 words)
    Example: censorship, propaganda, heinrich heine, burning
    Created 2016-04-29
  • WWII Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What dates did WWII begin and end?: Sept. 1, 1939 and Sept 2, 1945, The Allies were comprised of what main 3 countries?: US, Great Britain, Soviet Union, The Axis were comprised of what main 3 countries?: Germany, Japan, Italy, Name the 3 principal leaders of the Allies.: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
    Created 2016-01-30
  • All About the Berlin Wall (7 words)
    Example: When was the Berlin Wall Constructed?: 13 August 1961, Why was the Berlin Wall built?: It was constructed to prevent the East Germans from moving to West Berlin because West Berlin was more democratic., The Berlin Wall was referred to as Anti-__________________?: Facist, When was the physical wall destroyed?: 1990
    Created 2014-04-11
  • Islam quiz (4 words)
    Example: what is a muslim: a folower of Islam, what did they trade in islam: spices gold silk and iron, who was the prophet in islam: muhammad, were where they located: desert
    Created 2014-01-10
  • Communist China (16 words)
    Example: means "great revolution to create a proletarian (working class) culture": GREATROLETARIANCULTURALREVOLUTION, Mao's successors' effort to control population growth, incentives were offered to couples who limited their number of children to one, more successful in cities than rural areas: ONE-CHILDPOLICY, income per person, including farm income, which doubled in the 1980s: PERCAPITA, an atmosphere of constant revolutionary fervor that could enable China to reach the final: PERMANENT REVOLUTION
    Created 2013-05-09
  • Key Figures in World War II (20 words)
    Example: Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini , Bernard Law Montgomery , Charles de Gaulle
    Created 2013-01-30
  • social studies midterm (20 words)
    Example: colonists traded ______ to natives for ______: beads and food , food became scarce and trading decreased while violence_____: increased, 93/108 colonists left with sir francis drake than wait for suppply ship while 15 stayed to ________: hold down the fort, ________ and a crew went from another colony went to roanoke to give men supplies but they had vanished : john white
    Created 2012-12-18
  • social studies midterm (20 words)
    Example: ______ are all natural, yuma and man-made aids to the production of goods and services: resources, cattle pigs ivory chicken small pox horses apples spices silk were all made in the _______ world: old world, what resources were made in the new world: potatoes turkey tobacco cocoa, ______ is the economic system in which a countries wealth is determined by its accumulation of gold and silver. countries want a favorable balance of trade.: mercantilism
    Created 2012-12-17
  • Chapter 12 Section 4: Effects of the War (7 words)
    Example: the series raids in the early 1920s initiated by attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, Against suspected radicals and communists. : Palmer Raids, Other countries owed the United States more money than the United States owed them.: creditor nation, an unusually form of a deadly flu virus appeared in September 1918 killing millions of people.: Influenza, Italian immigrant and known anarchist.: Nicola Sacco
    Created 2012-12-14
  • World War 1 Battles (14 words)
    Example: The Battle of _________ ended as a tie in November.: Somme, German-British troops had conflicts during ________ attack in France. : German, The Battle known in British Military history?: Ypres, The Battle____ Ypres used chemical gas: Second
    Created 2012-11-13
  • Herencia Hispana (20 words)
    Example: Herencia, Hispana, Maya, Azteca
    Created 2012-09-25
  • World History Quiz (14 words)
    Example: The ____ Empire was most powerful between 200 BC and 200 AD and controlled much of Europe and North Africa: Roman, Area widely considered the cradle of civilization, near Tigris and Euphrates: Mesopotamia, Ancient Asian civilization, with dynasties such as the Han and Ming: China, Around 1000 BC, the ____ were maritime traders in the Mediterranean: Phoenicians
    Created 2012-08-31
  • World History Word Search (14 words)
    Example: Julius Caesar, emperor of the ____ Empire: Roman, Area widely considered the cradle of civilization, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow: Mesopotamia, Ancient Asian civilization, with dynasties such as the Han and Ming: China, The ____ were a maritime trading culture in the Mediterranean, peaking around 1000 BC: Phoenicians
    Created by crispy hex - 2012-06-29

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