Word Lists in the Christianity Category

The Christian tradition and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox...

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[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • Bible Basics - 101 (7 words)
    Example: How many books are in the Protestant Bible?: 66, How many books are in the Old Testament?: 39, How many books are in the New Testament?: 27, What book comes before Philemon?: [m] Titus
    Created 2024-09-15
  • Religion Unit 1 (7 words)
    Example: Faith: The gift from God that allow us to believe in him in his promise and his church., Hope: The gift from God that helps us to desire and be confident in heaven and eternal happiness, Temperance: Help us to control our feelings and avoid extremes, Fortitude: Help us to be strong, to resist evil and to overcome difficulties
    Created 2024-09-06
  • Religion Unit 1 (7 words)
    Example: Faith: The gift from God that allow us to believe in him in his promise and his church., Hope: The gift from God that helps us to desire and be confident in heaven and eternal happiness, Temperance: Help us to control our feelings and avoid extremes, Fortitude: Help us to be strong, to resist evil and to overcome difficulties
    Created 2024-09-06
  • Religion Unit 1 (7 words)
    Example: Faith: The gift from God that allow us to believe in him in his promise and his church., Hope: The gift from God that helps us to desire and be confident in heaven and eternal happiness, Temperance: Help us to control our feelings and avoid extremes, Fortitude: Help us to be strong, to resist evil and to overcome difficulties
    Created 2024-09-06
  • Profetas Mayores/ Mayor Prophets (5 words)
    Example: Cual es el Primer Profeta Mayor/What is the first Major Prophet?? : Isaias/Isaiah, Cual es el Segundo Profeta Mayor/What is the Second Major Prophet: Jeremías/Jeremiah, Cual es el Tercer Profeta Mayor/What is the Third Major Prophet: Lamentaciones/Lamentations, Cual es el Cuarto Profeta Mayor/What is the Fourth Major Prophet: Ezequiel/Ezekiel
    Created 2024-06-04
  • Los libros Poetico (5 words)
    Example: Cual es el Primer libro Poético? : Job, Cual es el Segundo libro Poetico?: Salmos, Cual es el Tercer libro Poetico: Proverbios, Cual es el Cuarto libro Poetico: Eclesiastés
    Created 2024-05-21
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church (7 words)
    Example: Who made the world?: God, Who is God?: God is the Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things., What is man?: Man is a creature composed of body and soul, and made to the image and likeness of God., Why did God make you?: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him for ever in heaven.
    Created 2023-08-28
  • Joseph (7 words)
    Example: Who was Joseph's father?: Jacob, Who was Joseph's mother?: Rachel, What did Joseph's brothers plan to do with him when he came to join them in the fields?: Kill him, Who sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites?: His brothers
    Created 2023-03-14
  • The Story for Kids Chapter 1 (7 words)
    Example: What did God create/do on Day 1?: Light, What did God create/do on Day 2?: Sky, What did God create/do on Day 3?: Dry ground and plants, What did God create/do on Day 4?: Sun, moon and stars
    Created 2022-10-01
  • Bible - Worldviews (3 words)
    Example: This worldview says 1. what is real? Things that can be tested by the 5 senses; 2. what is man? An accident; 3. what happens after death? extinction; 4. what is the basis for right and wrong? Whatever benefits mankind.: Naturalism, This worldview says 1. what is real? All is divine, no personal creator; 2. what is man? god/goddess; 3. what happens after death? reincarnation until enlightenment; 4. what is the basis for right and wrong? All is one, so right and wrong are an illusion.: Pantheism, This worldview says 1. what is real? Physical and non-physical things; 2. what is man? purposeful creation; 3. what happens at death? judgment, then heaven or hell; 4. what is the basis for right and wrong? God: Monotheism
    Created by gelio - 2022-01-31
  • David and Jonathan (5 words)
    Example: Who was David's best friend?: Jonathan, Who wanted David killed?: King Saul, Why did King Saul want David killed?: because he was jealous , What did Jonathan shoot to give a signal that King Saul still wanted David to be killed?: an arrow
    Created 2021-11-18
  • DISCIPLESHIP (7 words)
    Example: Servant leaders humble themselves and wait for God to exalt them.: Principle 1, Servant leaders follow Jesus rather than seek a position.: Principle 2, Servant leaders give up personal rights to find greatness in service to others: Principle 3, Servant leaders can risk servicing others becuase they trust that God is in control of their lives.: Principle 4
    Created 2021-10-07
  • pieces of verses to match (7 words)
    Example: But the greatest among you: shall be your servant, For it is God which worketh in you both: to will and to do of his good pleasure, Let this mind be in you: which was also in Christ Jesus, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
    Created 2021-09-25
  • pieces of verses to match (7 words)
    Example: let him that stole: steal no more, the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but: to minister and to give his life, I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd: giveth his life for the sheep, For I am the Lord, I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed
    Created 2021-09-25
  • Bible Study ~ Bible Verses Quiz (7 words)
    Example: All things were created through Him & for Him.: Colossians 1:16, "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born.": Isaiah 44:2, "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in You.": Isaiah 26:3, This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever.: 1 John 2:17
    Created 2021-06-14
  • Sacred Scripture Review 3 (7 words)
    Example: Magisterium: , Lectio Divina: , Theology: , Homily:
    Created 2020-11-04
  • Sacred Scripture Review 3 (7 words)
    Example: Write down the bible verse for John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”), Write down the bible verse for Luke 4:16: “He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the sabbath day.”), Write down the bible verse for 2 Timothy 3:14-15: “But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it, and that from infancy you have known [the] sacred scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”, Write down the bible verse for Mark 1:15: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”)
    Created 2020-11-04
  • Sacred Scripture Review 2 (7 words)
    Example: Write down the bible verse for John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”), Write down the bible verse for Luke 4:16: “He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the sabbath day.”), Write down the bible verse for 2 Timothy 3:14-15: “But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it, and that from infancy you have known [the] sacred scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”, Write down the bible verse for Mark 1:15: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”)
    Created 2020-11-04
  • BIBLE QUIZ (4 words)
    Created by tinz - 2020-09-16
  • Our Catholic Life (7 words)
    Example: Who is Jesus and what happened to him?: , What is your favorite miracle that Jesus worked?: , What is the Church?: [m] The Body of Christ here on earth., How many sacraments are there?: [m] 7
    Created 2020-09-11
  • Hebrews 10 (4 words)
    Example: Blood of what: Bulls and if goats, Shadow of what?: Good things to come., Then said I what: Lo, Worshipers once what?: Purged
    Created 2020-08-25
  • Praying Puzzle (7 words)
    Example: In the Douglas video, what did he say is one word for "hallowed"? : Holy, Where can you pray to God?: Anywhere, What time of day can you pray?: Anytime, Who do we pray to?: God
    Created 2020-05-15
  • SACRAMENTOS (7 words)
    Created by SALVUS01 - 2020-04-25
  • Introduccion al Éxodo (7 words)
    Example: ¿Cuántos versículos contiene el texto hebreo de Éxodo?: mil doscientos nueve, ¿Cuál era uno de los trabajos con más alta estima en Egipto?: partera, ¿Cómo se describen las tierras fértiles?: tierra que fluye leche y miel, ¿Cuántas tradiciones textuales existen en Éxodo?: cuatro
    Created 2020-02-17
  • Who Am I (7 words)
    Example: Built the Ark: Noah, Father of Nations: Abraham, Betrayed Jesus: Judas, Killed His Brother: Cain
    Created 2020-01-25
  • Who Am I (7 words)
    Example: Built the Ark: Noah, Father of Nations: Abraham, Betrayed Jesus: Judas, Killed His Brother: Cain
    Created 2020-01-25
  • Who Am I (7 words)
    Example: Built the Ark: Noah, Father of Nations: Abraham, Betrayed Jesus: Judas, Killed His Brother: Cain
    Created 2020-01-25
  • Exodus & Egypt pt. 1 Video Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does Pharao do to the Israelites?: [m] Gives them more work, Which of the following did Pharao say?: [m] I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. , What does God command to be put on the doorposts when the Angel of Death passes over?: Lamb's blood, What does God command Israel to eat at the Passover?: [m] All of these
    Created 2019-11-19
  • Genesis 41-50 Reading Assignment Quiz (0 words)
    Created 2019-11-05
  • His Story (7 words)
    Example: Saved: rescued from danger or death, Sacrifice: forfeiting of something highly valued for the sake of something considered having greater value, Deliverance: the act of being saved from oppression, Kingdom: a state or government having a king or queen as its head
    Created 2019-10-09
  • Bible Knowledge (7 words)
    Example: Jonah: [m] Was Swallowed by a whale, Noah: [m] Built an ark, Daniel: [m] Was thrown into a lions den, Zacchaeus: [m] All of these answers are correct
    Created 2019-10-02
  • cdsafcsac (4 words)
    Example: dsgfdsfds: [m] fdgfd, zxcsczxc: [m] zxvczxvzxvc, zxvzxvzxv: [m] vzxvzv, zxvzxv: [m] zxvzxv
    Created 2019-07-08
  • Session 17 Test (7 words)
    Example: How do you choose to spend your free time?: , If you had a completely free weekend with nothing planned, what would you choose to do?: , Where in the world today do you find human suffering, and how can you respond to lessen it?: , What are some choices that require little thinking?:
    Created 2019-03-13
  • Sunday School Test 2018-Class 3 (7 words)
    Example: In Verse 1, Why did Jesus tell the disciples "I have told you these things?": [m] So that they won’t abandon their faith, Verses 5-7, Jesus states that he needs to go away in order for someone to come. Who is he referring to?: [m] Advocate/Holy Spirit, Verse 8, The world will be convicted of 3 things. What are they?: [m] Sin, Gods Righteousness and of the Coming judgement, Verse 16- Finish the line “In a little while you won’t see me anymore. But a little while after that.....?: [m] "You will see me again"
    Created 2018-11-23
    Example: How many books are in the Bible? : 66, What does the word "Testament" mean?: Covenant, What does 1 Timothy say is the root of all kinds of evil? : the love of money , What does Psalms declare is the beginning of wisdom?: Fear of the Lord
    Created by jspinks - 2018-10-31
    Created 2018-09-23
  • February Bible Quiz Part 2 (7 words)
    Example: Love does not behave : [m] rudely , Love never: [m] fails , Who wrote the book of 1st Corinthians : [m] Paul , For now, we know in____ and we prophesy in _______: [m] part
    Created 2018-02-04
  • World of Religions (7 words)
    Example: Finding the way of the universe .: Daoism, It is based on the teachings on Muhammad.: Islam, The oldest religion in the world.: Hinduism, A religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.: Christianity
    Created 2018-01-22
  • God's Love (4 words)
    Example: Joel 2:12-13, Joel 2:18-19, Joel 2:28-32, Joel 2:15-16
    Created 2017-03-20
  • Chapter Test 1 (4 words)
    Example: what is a positive influence?: someone or something that pushes or encourage you to do the right thing,, what is a negative influence?: related to peer pressure, pushing someone to do something wrong., what is negative influences related to?: peer pressure, give a senerio of a positive influence: opinion
    Created 2016-09-17
  • Water Baptism (5 words)
    Example: Who Baptized Jesus?: John the Baptist, What descended on Jesus after He was baptized in water?: The Holy Spirit, Name (2) things that occur when you are water baptized: crucified with Him, Buried in death with Him, Resurrected into new life with Him, What do you need to do to have a new life in Christ (Born again)?: Repent, ABCs (Accept, Believe, Confess), Water Baptized, and Baptism of the Holy Spirit
    Created 2016-08-23
  • Jesus, the image of God quiz (5 words)
    Example: What did Jesus say to God right before he died on the cross?: "Father forgive them", What is the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ?: The pascal mystery, What did Saint Catherine of Bologna have a vision of?: Mary holding the baby Jesus, Jesus was born to mary by the power of the what?: Holy spirit
    Created 2016-02-03
  • How well do you know the Birthday Girl? (7 words)
    Example: What is the birthday girl actual birthday : , What is Yvonne favorite color : , Which pet has she always wanted: , Which two High Schools did she go to?:
    Created 2015-03-12
  • Soul Winning (5 words)
    Example: 3 basic channels of communiction : Public word,personal word,printed word, whats the forth principle of personal evangelism?: each person must be dealt with on a personal basis., what are the 3 levels of personal evangelism?: witnessing,visitation,soul winning. , D.L Moody once said what? : I must speak to one soul each day about Christ.
    Created by missionarykid14 - 2014-02-28
  • BRANDON DUBAY (7 words)
    Created 2013-12-11
  • The Seven Sacraments (20 words)
    Example: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation
    Created 2012-09-20

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