Quiz Sheets in the Vocabulary and Spelling Category

Vocabulary word lists and spelling lists

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[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • Vocab Practice Quiz (3 words)
    A Practice Quiz for English 11 (Academic) to study for the upcoming Vocab Quiz
    Example: Bear, Bring belong's to which Word Part?: [m] Fer, "Nasc, Nat" Has what definition?: , Which three are Prefixes?: [m] A, An
    Created 2024-09-25
  • Spelling Retest (7 words)
    Example: Choose the correct spelling word.: [m] Assembly, Choose the correct spelling word.: [m] Fascinate, Choose the correct spelling word.: [m] Princess, Choose the correct spelling word.: [m] Response
    Created by akeyadbrown - 2024-01-31
  • Social Studies- Native American Vocabulary (7 words)
    Mark the correct answer
    Example: Places that have common or the same characteristics : [m] Region, Another name for a job. : [m] Occupation , The beliefs, customs and way of life for a group of people. : [m] Culture, A place where people live, work, and play. : [m] Community
    Created 2023-10-19
  • Week #3 (9 words)
    Weeks 1-8 vocab
    Example: cause to be confused emotionally: [m] bewilder, If you do not clean your room, mom will ... you.: [m] condemn, The bats would ...a sound that would echo off something solod and they'd be able to tell where it was located.: [m] emit, My son Nicholas is very ... when he's asking for vbucks.: [m] persistent
    Created by Dezendorf98 - 2023-05-29
  • Super Dog (6 words)
    Circle the correct answer.
    Example: What does it mean to look?: [m] see it, What does it mean to fly?: [m] soar above high in the sky, Fill in the blank. I am going to fly ______ in my cape.: [m] away, What color was the cape?: [m] red
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Twisters! (7 words)
    Circle the correct answer
    Example: What is whirling black cloud?: [m] twisters, What is another word for Twister?: [m] tornado, What is one of the strongest forces on Earth?: [m] tornado, What was the green paper the the farmer from Illinois saw fall from the sky?: [m] money
    Created 2023-01-31
  • Vocabulary Quiz (7 words)
    Unit 2- Part 2
    Example: Persuade: To convince (someone) to do something by asking, arguing, or giving reasons., Argument: Facts or reasoning offered to support a position as being true, Claim: A statement that can be argued., Counter Claim: A counter claim is opposing opinion on a given issue
    Created 2023-01-08
  • Vocabulary Quiz 001 (7 words)
    Example: Autonomous: [m] The ability of a person to act on his or her own free will., Autobiography: [m] The story of someone’s life told by that person., Product: [m] The number resulting from the multiplication of two or more numbers, Factors: [m] Numbers which you can multiply together to get another number.
    Created by vsmith4 - 2021-12-09
  • Vocabulary Quiz 001 (7 words)
    Example: Autonomous: [m] The ability of a person to act on his or her own free will., Autobiography: [m] The story of someone’s life told by that person., Product: [m] The number resulting from the multiplication of two or more numbers, Factors: [m] Numbers which you can multiply together to get another number.
    Created 2021-12-09
  • Homophone Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The _________ forcast said it would be very cold today.: [m] Weather , The Halloween_____ was scary .: [m] Witch , Ms. Rachel got her____ shot.: [m] Flu, I know when I ___ 2+2 I get 4.: [m] Add
    Created 2020-11-19
  • Homophone Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The _________ forcast said it would be very cold today : [m] Weather , The Halloween_____ was scary : [m] Witch , Ms. Rachel got her____ shot: [m] Flu, I know when I ___ 2+2 I get 4: [m] Add
    Created 2020-11-19
  • Homophone Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The _________ forcast said it would be very cold today : [m] Weather , The Halloween_____ was scary : [m] Witch , Ms. Rachel got her____ shot: [m] Flu, I know when I ___ 2+2 I get 4: [m] Add
    Created 2020-11-19
  • ELA quiz (7 words)
    Answer each question pratice.
    Example: Describe the apple Gerald found.: , What did the apple tree say to Gerald after he ate the apple?: , What kind of apple did Hilda find?: , What did Hilda do with the golden apple?:
    Created 2020-10-28
  • The dog and his reflection (7 words)
    Example: Who was called Rascal?: The Robert family's dog, What did Mr Robert toss in the yard?: A bone, Why did Rascal scurry away?: Because he snatched the bigger bone, Where did the best bones in town come from?: From the butcher's shop
    Created 2020-04-29
  • The dog and his reflection (7 words)
    Example: Who was called Rascal?: The Robert family's dog, What did Mr Robert toss in the yard?: A bone, Why did Rascal scurry away?: Because he snatched the bigger bone, Where did the best bones in town come from?: From the butcher's shop
    Created 2020-04-29
  • The dog and his reflection (7 words)
    Example: Who was called Rascal?: The Robert family's dog, What did Mr Robert toss in the yard?: A bone, Why did Rascal scurry away?: Because he snatched the bigger bone, Where did the best bones in town come from?: From the butcher's shop
    Created 2020-04-29
  • april vocab (5 words)
    Example: nipper: [m] child, flounced: [m] stormed, ingenuous: [m] unsuspecting, innocent, execrable: [m] very bad, detestible
    Created 2020-04-21
  • List 16 Test (7 words)
    Vocabulary Test
    Example: To place or put; to set.: Lay, A result or consequence.: Effect, Undwer the control or authority of another.: Subject, A fixed sum of money that is paid to someone for doing a job.: Salary
    Created 2020-02-28
  • Niko (7 words)
    Example: The ants moved quickly when Niko ______poison the the bed: [m] Scatter, Niko refused to _______his PS4 to Majerele: [m] Surrender, Niko biggest ______was the roller coaster: [m] Thrill, The fight between Mary and Stan caused a great distance or a ______in their relationship: [m] Gulf
    Created 2020-01-15
  • Niko (7 words)
    Example: What can be used to tell what day it is?: [m] Calendar, Where can you go to eat cotton candy and ride on rides?: [m] Carnival, If you are moving quickly you are moving with?: [m] Haste, The fight between Mary and Stan caused a great distance or a ______in their relationship: [m] Gulf
    Created 2020-01-15
  • skinny class test (7 words)
    Example: what type of skinny is tall and extremely skinny, and has inverted cheekbones: [m] skinny wolfhard, what is the lowest and worst ranking?: [m] phattie, fill in the blank: and that's on _____________: [m] periodt, when did skinny language start?: [m] october 2018
    Created 2019-12-01
  • Spelling Quiz (5 words)
    Nov 8, 2019
    Example: If you break the law, you will have to _____ the price!: [m] pay, If you ___ too long, you will miss the bus.: [m] wait, Superman is strong enough to stop a ____ in its tracks with his bare hands!: [m] train, At night the sky looks like the color ____.: [m] black
    Created 2019-11-03
  • Social Studies Quiz (7 words)
    Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan
    Example: the shape and elevation of surface features, such as mountains or deserts, of a place or region: topography, the plants of a place or region: vegetation, the longest river in the world, flowing through eastern Africa to a delta in northeastern Egypt: Nile River, a nation in Northeast Africa, first settled around 3100 B.C.E.: Kush
    Created 2019-10-16
  • Vocab Quiz Lesson 1 (3 words)
    Example: symbols: [m] & % @ # are examples of this word, represent: [m] to stand for someone for something, content: [m] information in a book or movie; items in a briefcase
    Created 2019-09-05
  • Vocabulary Test #1 (7 words)
    Example: The time and place in which a narrative occurs : Setting , A struggle between opposing forces : Conflict , A character struggles with her own needs desires or emotions : Internal conflict, A character struggles with outside forces beyond his or her control : External Conflict
    Created 2019-07-25
  • SAT Vocabulary, Groups 1 & 2 (7 words)
    Example: amphi: both ways, anthro: man, ast: star, auto: self
    Created by tmforsman - 2019-02-21
  • Vocabulary Test #1 (7 words)
    Example: To separate something into parts and study how the parts are related : analyze, To put things in order: sequence , effect/ a relationship in which an action or event will produce or cause a certain response or effect: cause, Words or phrases that connect ideas details or events in writing : Transitions
    Created 2018-08-15
  • Do you know what __________ means? (5 words)
    Example: a matter of growth in nature, to change: metamorphosis, very big: monstrosity, tired: weary, Piano, Flute, and xylophone are all what: instruments
    Created 2018-03-17
  • Greek and Latin Roots Quiz (7 words)
    scrib, script
    Example: What did you do well if the teacher says you used terrific adjectives to help readers picture the characters in a story?: [m] describe, What can you find at the end of a letter to a friend?: [m] postscript, People do this to books so the can be read in a different language.: [m] transcribe, What do you call a person who writes things down for others?: [m] scribe
    Created by acorbin5 - 2018-02-24
  • Mr. Morrows writing class Vocabulary part 2 (6 words)
    Vocabulary Words uno!
    Example: canvas top and rubber soled shoes.: [m] sneakers, People who play a sport or are active. : [m] athletic, A country in South America: [m] Brazil, Gooey, sticky, substance found in tree bark. : [m] sap
    Created 2018-02-09
  • Unit 3.1 Vocabulary Words (7 words)
    Example: causing great wonder: [m] amazing, something that moves or stops a body: [m] force, to find the size of something: [m] measure, how heavy something is: [m] weight
    Created 2017-11-16
  • Miss Peregrine's characters (7 words)
    Example: Jacob: can see Hallowgast, Abe Portman: can see Hallowgast, Emma: produces fire in her hands, Miss Peregrine: becomes a bird
    Created 2017-04-06
  • Vocab Test (7 words)
    Example: Inimical: Hostile, not friendly, Ubiquitous: Being present everywhere at once, Rescind: Cancel officially, Semblance: Outward appearance that is deliberately misleading
    Created 2016-12-28
  • Mrs. Noor Omr (7 words)
    Good luck to:
    Example: The desert was very----------: to immitate or make fun of------------------------------------------, Emily drowned by the large------------------: baseless and without any foundation--------------------------------------------, The victim-----------------the bully: not able to be understood---------------------------------------, I wanted to hide from the------------------------------: to use or manage---------------------------------------
    Created 2016-11-30
  • Vocabulary week 9-12 (7 words)
    Robin Hood
    Example: To behave in a festive manner: cavorted, Recklessly brave and bold adventures: audacious escapades, As if enjoyed through the experiences of others: vicariously, Poor: impoverished
    Created 2015-12-14
  • Vocab Quiz -Lesson 12 (6 words)
    Example: An event that comes after another is called.....: subsequently, What do you use to learn and understand?: intelligence, A type of talent a person has when they are the only one..: uniquely, What is guilty or not guilty in court called?: plea
    Created 2015-03-10
  • Outsiders Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Fuzz: Police, Heater: Gun, Broad: Girl, Rank: Lame
    Created 2014-05-10
  • Pronoun Identification (4 words)
    Example: I have just returned from a visit to my landlord - the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of: I, us, themselves, him
    Created 2014-03-14
  • CRJ 308: Advanced Criminological Theories Quiz (10 words)
    Name ___________________________________________
    Example: At what age does the age-crime curve peak?: [m] 17, What scholar(s) argued that children who manifest conduct problems during childhood are the same ones who manifest delinquency during their teens?: [m] Gottfredson and Hirschi, Moffitt's Life Course Persistent/Adolescence Limited Theory argues that offending is marked by: [m] Continuity or change, What does LCP stand for? : [m] Life Course Persistent
    Created 2013-01-19
  • Language (20 words)
    Example: Adjacent. A. Faraway b. distant. C. Near d. Move: , Barren. A. Fertile b. fruitful c. Argue d. Not productive: , Foretaste a. Warning b. taste c. Design d. Attraction: , Alight a. Step down from. B. mount c. Board d. Take off:
    Created 2013-01-19
  • Literary Terms (13 words)
    Example: narrative that serves as an extended metaphor: allegory, repetition of consonant sounds: alliteration, works against the protagonist: antagonist, instructional or informative: didactic
    Created 2012-12-19

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