Flash Card Sets

Here are some printable flash card sets which have either been pre-defined or created by users.

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[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • RDA flash 2 (139 words)
    Example: A non aerosol topical anesthetic may be applied by the : Da or RDA, Two primary reasons for using topical anesthetic agents are:: Relief of pain and anxiety, Topical anesthetic is applied in the muco/buccal fold over the apex area of the operation for ___ anesthesia: Infiltration, A mobile tooth is a:: Sign
    Created by Jessicarios2004 - 2024-07-11
  • RDA (40 words)
    Example: According to the CDC which infection control measure is considered the most critical for reducing the transmission of microbes in the health care setting?: Hand washing, In a dental setting the clinical supply refrigerator may be used for the preservation of: Bonding materials , A used dental anesthetic needle is an example of : Regulated waste, Employees must receive training regarding hazardous chemicals at which interval?: Upon hire and whenever a new hazard is introduced
    Created by Jessicarios2004 - 2024-07-08
  • CHUY'S CULTURE (7 words)
    Created 2024-04-13
  • CHUY'S CULTURE (7 words)
    Created 2024-04-13
  • Science chapter 4 (13 words)
    Example: prey: any animal that is hunted by others for food, photosynthesis: the process in which plants make a sugar called glucose, producer: organism that makes its own food for energy, Cellular Respiration: the process by which cells break down sugar to release energy
    Created by suehoel - 2024-02-26
  • Gobierno Estadounidense (7 words)
    Sistema de gobierno
    Example: ¿Quién veta los proyectos de ley?: el Presidente, ¿Qué hace el Gabinete del Presidente?: asesora al Presidente, ¿Cuáles son dos puestos a nivel del gabinete?: Secretario de Agricultura, Secretario de Educación, ¿Qué hace la rama judicial?: revisa las leyes, explica las leyes
    Created 2024-01-29
  • Gobierno Estadounidense (7 words)
    Sistema de gobierno
    Example: Nombre una ramo o parte del gobierno: Congreso, Presidente, los tribunales, ¿Qué es lo que evita que una rama del gobierno se vuelva demasiado poderosa?: separación de poderes, ¿Quién está a cargo de la rama ejecutiva?: el Presidente, ¿Quién crea las leyes federales?: el Congreso
    Created 2024-01-26
  • Exodus: Ywh, Moses and The 10 commandments (7 words)
    Exodus part 2
    Example: What Did Moses Part?: (A) The Nile (B) The Jordan (C) Dead Sea (D) Red Sea, After leaving Egypt, where did Moses lead the Israelites?: (A) To Mount Sinai (B) To Galilee (C) To Bethlehem (D) To Jerusalem, What did Moses recieve From God in Mount Sinai?: (A) The Torah (B) Sukkot (C) The Ark Of the Covenant (D) The 10 Commandments , What Did the israelites do When Moses Seemed to never come down?: (A) They got saddned and prayed for him (B) They started worshiping God (C) They Made an Idol and made a Feast and worshiped it (D) They Didnt notice he was gone
    Created 2024-01-14
  • Exodus: Ywh, Moses and the Pharaoh (7 words)
    Exodus part 1
    Example: how long were the hebrews slaves in egypt: (A) 320y, (B) 666y(C),120y, (D) 400,, How did Moses Meet God for the first time: (A)through the water well,(B) he heard the holy spirit in his heart (C) The staff he had turned to snake and talked to him (D) The bushed was burning and God spoke to him there, Who did Moses Meet while coming back to egypt?: (A) Mary (B) God (C) His Wife (D) Aaron, What was the first sign moses showed pharoah?: (A) Moses staff got longer (B) Moses turn water to blood (C) Moses Heals the Pharoahs blindness ( D ) Staff turns to a snake
    Created 2024-01-14
  • Peanuts trivia (7 words)
    How much do you know about Good Ol' Charlie Brown?
    Example: "Good ____" - a saying often uttered by Charlie Brown when something goes wrong: Grief, ____ Patty, a character who is a star athlete but often receives D- grades: Peppermint, ____ is Charlie Brown's black-and-white dog: Snoopy, _____, a bird who is often seen with Charlie Brown's dog: Woodstock
    Created 2023-11-10
  • multiplicação (6 words)
    Example: 3 x 7: 21, 5 x 6: 30, 9 x 4: 36, 2 x 8: 16
    Created 2023-11-07
  • Bible Knowledge (6 words)
    Example: What did Moses Part?: The Red Sea, Who was the apple of Gods Eye?: David, Who said " The Lord will fight for you while you only need to keep silent and remain calm?: Moses, How many Tribes were there in Israel? : 12 Tribes
    Created 2023-10-26
  • gems stone (7 words)
    Example: agate: color bule, jasper: cloor red, sapphiree: color pink, tourmaline: color yellow green
    Created 2023-10-04
  • Vocab (5 words)
    Example: Question that is answered at the end of a lesson (each day): Supporting Question, People trained in history that help others understand the past: Historian, Question that focuses on the "big idea" and answered at the end of the unit (month): Compelling Question, A source created later by someone who did not experience it first hand: Secondary Source
    Created 2023-09-05
  • Personalització (7 words)
    Example: Com s´anomenen els informes que elabora l´EAP per alumnat NESE?: Informe de reconeixement, Un dèficit auditiu es considera NESE o NEE: NEE, A quin concepte ens referim quan parlem d´atenció a tot l´alumnat?: Inclusió, La lOMLOE fa referècia a la inclusió amb la pràctica de ...: DUA
    Created by Justí - 2023-08-16
  • LD Flash cards (7 words)
    Example: A deductible is: The amount the insured is responsible for in case of a loss. , Depreciation is: The value of a property that is lost over time due to factors such as age, wear and tear. , Actual Cash Value (ACV): The value of the damaged or destroyed at the time of loss. , Power of Attorney: Is authorized when a person is still alive.
    Created by aw319 - 2023-07-05
  • VERBOS PRESENTE (4 words)
    Example: COMER: , VIVIR: , DORMIR: , LLEVAR:
    Created 2023-04-21
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al/la futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (dia de la prova, hora i lloc): Propostes de millora, Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): Propostes de millora, Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: Propostes de millora, Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell: Propostes de millora
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al/la futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (dia de la prova, hora i lloc): Propostes de millora:, Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): Propostes de millora:, Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: Propostes de millora:, Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell: Propostes de millora:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al/la futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (dia de la prova, hora i lloc): Propostes de millora:, Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): Propostes de millora:, Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: Propostes de millora:, Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell: Propostes de millora:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al/la futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (dia de la prova, hora i lloc): , Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): , Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al/la futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (día de la prova, hora i lloc): , Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): , Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar al futur/a alumne/alumna per telèfon (día de la prova, hora i lloc): , Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): , Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar a al futur alumne/alumna per telèfon (día de la prova, hora i lloc): , Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telèfon (diferents idiomes): , Trucar per resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar a al futur alumne/alumna per telèfon (día de la prova, hora i lloc): , Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telefon (diferents idiomes): , Resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Proves de Nivell (6 words)
    Example: Convocar a al futur alumne/alumna per telèfon: Concretar día de la prova, hora i lloc, Enviar informació de la convocatoria per telefon: Missatje adaptat en diferents idiomes, Resoldre dubtes o canviar dia de la convocatòria: , Enviar recordatori durant a setmana de la prova de nivell:
    Created 2023-04-18
  • vernos reflexivos (7 words)
    Example: despertarse: q, levantarse: a, vestirse: s, ponerse: d
    Created 2023-04-18
  • Part of a plant (3 words)
    Example: What is this ?: Seed, what is this?: Roots, What is this?: Flower
    Created 2023-04-07
  • Math (7 words)
    Example: all living and nonliving things in an environment and the many ways they interact: ecosystem, occurs when two or more living things need the same resources in order to survive: competition, area or place where an organism lives in an ecosystem: habitat, resources that can be replaced: renewable resources
    Created 2023-03-22
  • SCIENCE CHAPTER 5 (9 words)
    Example: all living and nonliving things in an environment and the many ways they interact: ecosystem, occurs when two or more living things need the same resources in order to survive: competition, area or place where an organism lives in an ecosystem: habitat, resources that can be replaced: renewable resources
    Created by suehoel - 2023-03-19
  • Social Studies 03.07.23 (25 words)
    Example: Subsidy: grants of land or money, Transcontinental Railroad –: a railroad line that spanned the country, Travios: small sleds, Tepee: cone-shaped tents made of buffalo skins
    Created by Ballerboys - 2023-03-08
  • Social Studies 03.07.23 (25 words)
    Example: Subsidy: grants of land or money, Transcontinental Railroad –: a railroad line that spanned the country, Travios: small sleds, Tepee: cone-shaped tents made of buffalo skins
    Created by Ballerboys - 2023-03-08
  • Mahmoud Week 4 (6 words)
    Example: Dinghy: A small boat carried on or towed behind a larger boat as a tender or lifeboat, Bile: A yellow or greenish fluid aids in the absorption of fats, Churn: To stir or agitate violently, Pandemonium: A wild uproar
    Created 2023-01-30
  • Mahmoud Week 4 (6 words)
    Example: Bristled: A short stiff coarse hair or filament., Paralyzing: To affect with paralysis, Jostled: To come into contact or collision, Cauldron: A large kettle or boiler
    Created 2023-01-30
  • Isabel, Week 4 (7 words)
    Example: Inevitable: Incapable of being avoided or evaded, Chastised: To inflict punishment on, Stagnant: Not flowing in a current stream, Vacant: Not occupied by an incumbent, possessor or officer
    Created 2023-01-27
  • Josef, Week 4 (5 words)
    Example: Incoherently: Lacking orderly continuity, Restrained: Kept under control; prevented from freedom of movement or action, Reichsmarks: German money from 1925-1948, Instantaneous: Done, occurring or acting without any perceptual duration of time
    Created 2023-01-27
  • Mahmoud, week 4 (6 words)
    Example: Dinghy: A small boat carried on or towed behind a larger boat as a tender or lifeboat, Bile: A yellow or greenish fluid aids in the absorption of fats, Churn: To stir or agitate violently, Pandemonium: A wild uproar
    Created 2023-01-27
  • States and Capitols (7 words)
    Example: Delaware: Dover, Florida : Tallahassee , Georgia : Atlanta , Hawaii : Honolulu
    Created 2023-01-07
  • States and Capitols (7 words)
    Example: Colorado : Denver, Alabama : Montgomery , Connecticut : Hartford, Alaska : Juneau
    Created 2023-01-06
  • States and Capitols (7 words)
    Example: Colorado : Delaware , Alabama : Montgomery , Connecticut : Hartford, Alaska : Juneau
    Created 2023-01-06
  • مرفوعات الأسماء (7 words)
    Example: اذكري مرفوعات الأسماء: المبتدأ, الخبر, اسم كان, خبر إن
    Created by iman#66 - 2023-01-03
  • Antonim (2 words)
    Example: Hi: Bye, Good morning : Good night
    Created 2022-12-10
  • flash card (9 words)
    Example: Remedy: To cure or make better: Lime juice is the remedy for scurvy, Plummet: To drop straight down: The car plummeted to the bottom of the mountain, Diligently: With much care and effort: Kinley colored the picture diligently , Chorus: To speak or sing together: A chorus of voices sang happy birthday
    Created by ashleyprice5781@gmail.com - 2022-10-17
  • Biblical Missions Flash Cards (7 words)
    Example: Fulfilling God's Plan: God's Mission, Fulfilling God's Purpose: Missions, Fulfilling God's Program: Missionary, To send away, send out, or send off: Apostello (Gk)/Apostle
    Created 2022-08-28
  • The Music Freaks flash cards (7 words)
    Flash cards about a series made by a Gachatuber called RosyClozy
    Example: What was Episode 9, in a nutshell?: Probably the worst received episode by the fandom., The first character to canonically ship Jailey was…: Milly, What was the first scene where Hailey blushed that wasn’t that one Ep 1 argument?: When Jake auditioned for the club, Who are the pizza fanatics, according to Hailey?: Milly and Sean
    Created 2022-08-26
  • repaso (7 words)
    repaso curso de html y css
    Example: es un lenguaje de marcado para el desarrollo web: html, usado para crear cajas flexibles flexBox: display: flex, usado para posicionar un elemento con referencia a la pestalla: position: absolute, crea un espaciado superior interno: padding-top
    Created 2022-08-26
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (7 words)
    Example: Basis Standard Eye Protection: Safety Glasses, Basic Standard Hand Protection: Safety Gloves, Primary Fall Protection : Safety Harness, PPE commonly used for loud noises in the work area: Ear Plugs
    Created 2022-08-17
  • All Word 9 (7 words)
    Example: scarier: entire, carpet: human, schedule: evening, statement: location
    Created 2022-08-02
  • All Words 5 (7 words)
    Example: wristband: presentation , disconnected: weakness, temperature: classwork, pyramid: discussion
    Created 2022-08-01
  • All Words (7 words)
    Example: chair: peaceful, bushel: measure, airplane: vacation, pineapple: kiwifruit
    Created 2022-07-24
  • Los oficios y los servicios de la empresa (5 words)
    Example: Contesto el telefono y clasifico el correo: El servicio administrativo, Compruebo y pago las facturas compras: El servicio contabilidad, Clasifico los documentos del personal en sus archivos: El servicio de los recursos humanos, Récibo la mercancia y guardo los productos en el deposito: El servicio logistico
    Created 2022-07-21
  • TKD word list 6 (7 words)
    Example: Guidelines for self defense: Speed, Surprise, Don't hesitate, Taekwondo Tenets: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit, Self-Control, 3 ways to keep someone from hitting you: Block, Move out of the way, Hit them first, Guidelines for Il Bo Darion: Quick, Simple, Effective
    Created by monicatypesfast@gmail.com - 2022-06-23
  • Hooway for Wodney Wat Vocabulary (6 words)
    Example: rodent: a sharp feeling of emotion, knowingly: to say or speak correctly, gnawed: to move or push in a rude way, barged: an small animal that has sharp teeth
    Created 2022-05-08
  • Goal Setting (5 words)
    Example: What is a goal? : The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. ​, What is important when creating a goal? : A purpose, How would you start to develop a goal? : Starting small , What is a goal ladder? : Is a tool that allows you set smaller goals and work towards your main goal.
    Created by wardq24 - 2022-05-05
  • Module 9 Week 2 (6 words)
    Example: If things are in ________, they take turns doing a job or serving a purpose.: rotation, If you are ________ something, you are preparing it, or getting it ready, for the next step.: prepping, When something is in ________ , it is put away so it can be used later.: storage, A ____ is a long, thin stem of a plant that grows along the ground or up and around something.: vine
    Created 2022-04-28
  • Sight Words (3 words)
    Example: What is a man that is in the army?: Soilder, What is a sight word that rhynms with some?: Come, What does the sound _ey make?: A
    Created by whitneyjoan08 - 2022-04-10
  • NC State Quiz 6 (5 words)
    Example: What is the name of your city?: Spring Lake, What is the population of your city?: 12,000, What is the largest city in your state?: Charlotte, Name 3 important cities in your state.: Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro
    Created by bcranfield - 2022-04-02
  • NC State Quiz 4 (5 words)
    Example: Where is North Carolina's capital?: Raleigh, Who is the governor of your state?: Roy Cooper, In what region is your state located?: southeastern region, What is the average rainfall in North Carolina?: 48 inches
    Created by bcranfield - 2022-04-02
  • NC State Quiz 3 (7 words)
    Example: When did your state enter the Union?: November 21, 1789, Name 2 important people from your state.: William Blount, Andrew Jackson, James K Polk, What are they known for?: William Blount - signed constitution | Andrew Jackson - 7th President | James K Polk - 11th President, Name 2 important events that happened in your state.: First city founded at Bath (1705) | Wright Brothers made 1st powered flight at Kitty Hawk, NC (1903)
    Created by bcranfield - 2022-04-02
  • NC State Quiz 2 (9 words)
    Example: What is your state flower?: Flowering Dogwood, What is your state's motto?: Esse quam videri "To be, rather than to seem.", What is your state's bird?: Cardinal, What is your state's song?: "The Old North State"
    Created by bcranfield - 2022-04-02
  • NC State Quiz 1 (5 words)
    Example: How many states border North Carolina?: 4, What are the names of the states that border North Carolina?: Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Is there a body of water that borders your state? If so, what is its name?: Atlantic Ocean, Are there any national parks in your state? If so, name two.: Croatan National Forest, Carver's Creek State Park, Raven Rock State Park, Lake Norman State Park, Mount Mitchel State Park
    Created by bcranfield - 2022-04-02
  • house (1 word)
    Example: house :
    Created 2022-04-02
  • PRACTICE (7 words)
    Created 2022-03-30
  • sfas (2 words)
    Example: KATELYN: SUTHERLAND, GRAAD 2/18: 2022
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (2 words)
    Example: rock: shout, flower: autumn
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: love: boy, girl: our, four: book, things: story
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: right: autumn, left: never, animals: may, garden: summer
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: stay: fast, only: spring, town: three, first: head
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: round: tree, eat: us, door: right, left: found
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: over: how, going: where, would: school, take: think
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: come: will, just: help, could: house, about: make
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: had: my, what: there, then: little, mum: one
    Created 2022-02-25
  • sfas (7 words)
    Example: this : have, went: like, there: is, for: at
    Created 2022-02-25
  • SIGHT WORDS (7 words)
    Example: but: his, for: she, them: off, got: if
    Created 2022-02-21
  • SIGHT WORDS (7 words)
    Example: on: her, be : so, not : out, as : go
    Created 2022-02-21
  • SIGHT WORDS (7 words)
    Example: A: APPLE, A: ANT, A: ART, A: AUNT
    Created 2022-02-21
  • KeyBank Auto Loans (6 words)
    Example: What is the minimum loan amount?: 5,000, For a loan in the amount of $25,000 +, what is the max term for new and used??: 72 months new / 72 months used, What is the pre-payment penalty fee if paid off within 18 months?: $150, What is the max age of a vehicle for a new car loan?: 2 years, including current model year
    Created 2022-02-13
  • Body Parts (7 words)
    Example: This part is to smell: Nose, To hear: Ear, To touch: Hand, To talk : Mouth
    Created 2022-01-09
  • Dinosaurs (7 words)
    Example: T-rex: Spinosaurus, Triceratops: Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus: Trodon, Brontosaurus: Oviraptor
    Created by Duh - 2021-12-16
  • sight words (7 words)
    Example: like: my, see: can, the: go, to: we
    Created 2021-12-08

+ New Flash Card Set

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