Quiz Sheets

Here are some printable quiz sheets which have either been pre-defined or created by users.

+ New Quiz Sheet

[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • How well do you know your family? (7 words)
    Example: What part of Wales is Mami Nafeesa from?: Conwy, What are Junaid's favourite crisps?: Sweet and spicy wotsits, How old was Anoosh when she passed her driving test?: 22, What's Mehak's favourite band called?: Cigarettes after FUN
    Created 4 minutes ago (2025-02-08)
  • How well do you know your family? (7 words)
    Example: How old was Ami when she got married?: 16, Which countries has Mom visited?: Pakistan, USA, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Tunisia , Which hobby has Mamoo Adeel recently taken up?: Guitar, What was Mami Saira's maiden name?: Iqbal
    Created 5 minutes ago (2025-02-08)
  • How well do you know your family? (7 words)
    Example: How old was Ami when she got married? : , What country did Abu ji first move to after Pakistan? : Abu Dhabi , Which countries has mum visited? : Germany, America, Canada, Tunisia, Which hobby has Mamoo Adeel recently taken up? : Guitar
    Created about 6 hours ago (2025-02-08)
  • Team work (5 words)
    Example: What is one group of people in the Bible had to do a lot of team work?: Jesus and the disciples , What is one way you can show your team kindness today?: , If you were put in a team with the meanest kid in class and he starts to bully you what do you do?: [m] Go tell the teacher, What would YOU do in the situation above?:
    Created about 19 hours ago (2025-02-08)
  • Decomposition and Composting (7 words)
    Example: Decomposers eat _________ animals and plants.: [m] dead, Organic matter is or was __________: [m] alive., Decomposers eat organic matter and turn it into __________.: [m] compost., Compost is full of nutrients. What are nutrients?: [m] Chemicals that help plants and animals grow.
    Created 1 day ago (2025-02-07)
  • 222 Trained Week Four Quiz (6 words)
    Example: What is the maximum you should wait between compound sets?: [m] 5 minutes, What is the minimum you should wait between accessory sets?: [m] 45 seconds, What is a compound movement?: [m] A movement that engages multiple muscle groups and joints simultaneously, What is the RPE for failure?: [m] 10
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-07)
  • Yellow Worfs (7 words)
    Example: Slavery: The system of enslaving humans , Inauguration : Ceremony for a new president to begin their term in office, Sectionalism : The overemphasized political, economic, and social loyalty to a specific region of a country rather than the country as a whole., Confederacy: A league or alliance, especially of confederate states. The states that seceded from the union.
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • Valentines Day Past Tense Verbs Quiz (7 words)
    Write the past tense form of the verb.
    Example: care: , pass: , write: , have:
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • What is life like in the Alps? (7 words)
    Example: Name the continents of the world.: , Which continent are the Alps in?: [m] Europe, Name some human features in the Alpine region: , Name a physical feature in the Alpine region:
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • What is life like in the Alps? (7 words)
    Example: Name the continents of the world.: , Which continent are the Alps in?: [m] Europe, Name some human features in the Alpine region: , Name a physical feature in the Alpine region:
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • The Not So Random Quiz About Dinosaurs (6 words)
    Example: Which one of these is the largest theropod dinosaur?: [m] Spinosaurus, Which one of these dinosaurs is NOT a theropod?: [m] Titanosaurus, Which one of these is the smallest theropod dinosaur?: [m] Bee hummingbird, Which one of these animals is NOT a dinosaur?: [m] Quetzalcoatlus
    Created 2 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • Black History Month Trivia (7 words)
    Example: where did Martin Luther King deliver his I have a dream speec: [m] Washington DC , Which of the following is Maya Angelou's first body of work?: [m] I know why he caged bird sings, Who was the first African American model to be featured on the cover of the GQ magazine?: [m] Tyra Banks, Who was the first black woman to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice?: [m] Ketanji Brown
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • Journeys Lesson 30 - Review (7 words)
    Now & Ben / A Model Citizen
    Example: What is a document?: [m] A piece of paper with something important written on it, Who was Benjamin Franklin?: [m] A great inventor who helped shaped the world, What was Ben's most important achievement in his lifetime? : [m] The Declaration of Independence, What did Ben own and develop?: [m] His own newspaper and many stories for it
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-06)
  • Science Vocabulary (2/6/25) (7 words)
    Example: A process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics: [m] Evolution, Earth's outer shell (lithosphere) is divided into several plates that glide over the Earth's rocky inner layer above the soft core (mantle): [m] Theory of plate tectonics, The process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change in order to survive: [m] Natural selection, Primarily known as the architect of the theory of evolution by natural selection: [m] Charles Darwin
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Science Vocabulary (2/6/25) (7 words)
    Example: A process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics: [m] evolution, Earth's outer shell (lithosphere) is divided into several plates that glide over the Earth's rocky inner layer above the soft core (mantle): [m] Theory of plate tectonics, The process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change in order to survive: [m] Natural selection, Primarily known as the architect of the theory of evolution by natural selection: [m] Charles Darwin
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Capital cities (7 words)
    Example: What is the capital of Pakistan?: [m] Islamabad, What is the capital of France?: [m] Paris, What is the capital of Bangladesh?: [m] Dhaka, What is the capital of Turkey?: [m] Ankara
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Vocab (7 words)
    Example: A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring : [m] inherited traits , the passing of in heredity traits from parents to offspring : [m] heredity , the study of heredity : [m] genetics , a trait influenced by experience or the environment : [m] acquired traits
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Areas of Pride QUIZ (7 words)
    BOH Organization
    Example: Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, For Handbags in the OH Gallery, Tags should not be tucked?: [m] FALSE, What sticker should be on a display shoe box? : [m] GREEN DOTS, What letter is behind a Men's Shoe Size?: [m] E
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): [m] GREEN DOTS
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] , Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] , Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): GREEN DOTS , 1 green dot for one display shoe, 2 green dots for two display shoes
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: [m] TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: [m] TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): GREEN DOTS , 1 green dot for one display shoe, 2 green dots for two display shoes
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • BOH ORGANIZATION (7 words)
    Example: Handbag Grey Tags Must Be Tucked in the OH Gallery?: TRUE, Each product is categorized by departments?: TRUE, Name 3 Departments... ( title and dpt. # ): , What sticker should be on a display shoe box? How many? ( be specific ): GREEN DOTS , 1 green dot for one display shoe, 2 green dots for two display shoes
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Patient Safety Knowledge Checker (7 words)
    Please take the opportunity to test your knowledge in patient safety. Once i have collected the completed forms I can organise bite sized training sessions on those areas highlighted.
    Example: What does PSIRF stand for ?: [m] Patient Safety Incident Response Framework, What is Statutory Duty of Candour: Legal obligation for health and social care providers to be open and honest with patients and their families when a notifiable safety incident has occurred., Who are your 2 Neonatal Safety Champions?: Vanessa & Nipa, Can you name 3 of our current unit risks on our Risk Register: Footprint, TC, Guideline complance , AHP , 7th Consultant , ROP OPA
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • 2025 Trivia (7 words)
    Example: How many class groups are there at Waverley this year?: 7, What 4 Classes does Mrs M teach?: [m] PBL, Health, PE and Hands on Learning, What country did Miss Harrison visit in the holidays?: [m] Singapore, How many students are there in our class this year?: 20
    Created 3 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • Journeys Lesson 24 - Review (7 words)
    Half-Chicken / The Lion and the Mouse
    Example: What is a "folktale"?: [m] It's a kind of traditional tale, Why is the main character named "Half-Chicken"?: [m] Because it was born with half of its body and features, How did Half-Chicken walk?: [m] It hopped on its one leg, Where did Half-Chicken want to travel to and why?: [m] Mexico City to see the viceroy
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-05)
  • English Vocab (7 words)
    Example: Convalescene is a ...: [m] Noun, the BLANK that kevon was experiencing led to confusion among the people around him.: [m] effusion, Arduous means...: [m] difficult, After Khalif hit the game-winning buzzer beater, he felt BLANK because he became crowded very quickly.: [m] shrouded
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • x (7 words)
    Example: Enlightenment: [m] the Age of Reason, New world: [m] The americas, Magna carta: [m] It limited the English ruler’s power and protected some rights of the people., Colombian Exchange=Traded animal/food/ideas/stuff : [m] True
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • science revision (7 words)
    Example: what happens during aerobic respiration: , explain how vacines prevent illness: , differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic : , role of bile in digestion:
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • Ch. 1 Science Test (7 words)
    Example: What is en environment?: [m] Everything around a living thing, What is the average amount of rain a desert gets?: [m] 25cm, What type of forest has needle-shaped leaves?: [m] Coniferous, What type of plant grows in the desert?: [m] Cactus
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • The Impact of the Wall Street Crash, 1929 (7 words)
    Example: What happened in October 1929?: , How much money had investors lost within a week?: , How did this impact the banks?: , What happened to the middle classes?:
    Created 4 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • 8100 Restaurant Menu Pop Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Can the Burrata and Plum dish be made Gluten Free?: [m] Yes, as well as vegetarian and nut free, What is Allium?: [m] Garlic, leeks, chives, Can the Baby Romaine salad be made Gluten Free?: [m] No, What cheese is on top of the mixed Gotham Greens?: [m] Goat Cheese
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • 8100 Restaurant Menu Pop Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Can the Burrata and Plum dish be made Gluten Free?: [m] Yes, as well as vegetarian and nut free, What is Allium?: [m] Garlic, leeks, chives, Can the Baby Romaine salad be made Gluten Free?: [m] No, What cheese is on top of the mixed Gotham Greens?: [m] Goat Cheese
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • 8100 Restaurant Menu Pop Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Can the Burrata and Plum dish be made Gluten Free?: [m] Yes, as well as vegetarian and nut free, What is Allium?: [m] Garlic, leeks, chives, Can the Baby Romaine salad be made Gluten Free?: [m] No, What cheese is on top of the mixed Gotham Greens?: [m] Goat Cheese
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • Do you know Maya Angelou? (7 words)
    Example: What was Maya Angelou known for?: Poetry, What was one of Maya Angelou's autobiographies?: ''I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'', When was Maya Angelou born?: April 4, 1928, What was another one of her autobiographies?: ''On The Pulse of Morning''
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • LA CONSTITUCION (7 words)
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-04)
  • Koko the Gorilla (7 words)
    Example: The word famous means : [m] well known, What does the word weak mean?: [m] not strong, What phrase helps you know the meaning of present: [m] "Koko picked out a tiny gray kitten", In this passage, the word cross means: [m] angry
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-03)
  • The Beast Within Quiz Chapter 10 (6 words)
    Example: What is the cats name?: Pflanze, How does the Prince treat Princess Tulip: As though she is a feather head, using hurtful words., Who is in the Observatory?: No one but a statue, What do the disembodied voices say in the Prince's mind?: Your castle and it's grounds shall also be cursed, then, and everyone within will be forced to share your burden.
    Created 5 days ago (2025-02-03)
  • Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (7 words)
    Example: The process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight ans uses it to make food is called _____________.: photosynthesis , Organisms obtain their energy through ______________, an energy releasing process that does not require oxygen.: fermentation , Carbon dioxide enters the plant through small openings on the undersides of the leaves called _____________.: stomata , An ______________ is an organism that makes its own food.: autotroph
    Created by onisha chandler - 5 days ago (2025-02-03)
  • 1q (4 words)
    Example: In the number 16, how many... Hundreds? ________ Tens? _________ Ones? _________: 1, In the number 16, how many... Hundreds? ________ Tens? _________ Ones? _________: 1, In the number 16, how many... Hundreds? ________ Tens? _________ Ones? _________: 1, In the number 16, how many... Hundreds? ________ Tens? _________ Ones? _________: 1
    Created 6 days ago (2025-02-03)
  • panels (5 words)
    lab panels
    Example: basic: calcium, co2, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, urea nitrogen, comprehensive: alt, ast, albumin, alkaline phosphate, bilirubin, calcium, co2, chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, urea nitrogen, electrolytes: co2, chloride, potassium, sodium, hepatic: alt,ast, alkaline phosphates, albumin, bilirubin, potassium
    Created 6 days ago (2025-02-03)
  • Unit 13 Test (7 words)
    Example: How long do congressional terms last?: 2 years, How long do senatorial terms last?: 6 years, How many seats are in the House of Representatives?: 435, How many Senators does each state have?: 2
    Created 6 days ago (2025-02-02)
  • BOOBIE’s 45th Birthday (7 words)
    Example: What was she born: Bronx, Connecticut, Pennsylvania,Florida , Name of her highscool she graduated from: James Adam’s , Jefferson , mccaskey, bald eagle, How old was she when she got her first apartment : 16, 21 , 20 , 18, What’s her favorite food: Tacos, pasta , oxtail, rice & beans
    Created 7 days ago (2025-02-01)
  • English vocabulary sounds (7 words)
    Example: What is the synonym for small?: [m] Short , What is the synonym word for Large?: [m] Big , The synonym for the word Rabbit?: [m] Bunny, Which of the following words below is the correct synonym for the word rest?: [m] Relax
    Created 7 days ago (2025-02-01)
  • English Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Whats the meaning of "chopped"?: [m] Ugly, When Eunice said "I ate that test up", what is the meaning of the word "ate"?: [m] To do well, When Edward was beating Mr.Miller in points, he exclaimed, "youre so cooked", the whole class laughed at Mr.Miller. What does the phrase "to be cooked" mean?: [m] To be at a disadvantage, How is the word huzz applied to different nouns?: The first letter or syllable of any noun can be added onto the suffix: -uzz
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • English Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does "bet" mean?: [m] Sure, If something is "cap" what would it be? Ex. "I love how the poem uses symbols!" said David, "That's cap" replied Fareez.: [m] A lie, Rizz is short for what?: [m] Charisma, What does it mean to be "nonchalant"?: [m] To not care
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • x (7 words)
    Example: Enlightenment: [m] the Age of Reason, English Bill of Rights: [m] document listed rights for Parliament and the English people., Magna carta: [m] It limited the English ruler’s power and protected some rights of the people., Declaration of Independence.: this docu- ment declared the American colonies’ independence from Britain.
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Thermal Equilibrium (5 words)
    Answer the questions after the video please.
    Example: What is thermal energy?: [m] The amount of heat transferred from one object to another, What is the "Hot and Cold" theory?: A hot object transferring heat to a cold object., What is the principle where both the hot and cold substances are the same temperature?: [m] Thermal equilibrium, When does thermal equilibrium happen?: When a hot substance and a cold substance are the same temperature.
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Chapter 1-4 Test (12 words)
    Example: You must establish credit in order to buy a house : [m] False , Personal finance is about _______% behavior and _______% head knowledge.: [m] 80, 20, The condition of having unlimited wants but limited resources is known as:: [m] Scarcity, Your income level greatly affects your saving habits: [m] False
    Created by CoachThornton#1 - 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Past Tense Verbs (Regular & Irregular) (7 words)
    Use the past tense verb in a complete sentence.
    Example: jumped: , kicked: , laid: , punched:
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Past Tense Verbs (Regular & Irregular) (7 words)
    Use the past tense verb in a complete sentence.
    Example: jump: , kick: , lay: , punch:
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Past Tense Verbs (Regular & Irregular) (7 words)
    Write the past tense form of the verb.
    Example: stop: , drive: , drink: , eat:
    Created 8 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Vocabulary Word Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does Chasm mean?: [m] A continent, Define Continent: [m] One of the seven great land areas in the world, Define Credit: [m] To honor or praise; A way of buying, Enable means:: [m] To make possible
    Created 9 days ago (2025-01-31)
  • Vocab Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does the word "Sweat" mean?: [m] to give off a salty fluid from the skin pores to cool the body, Write me a sentence with the word "thick": , True or False: dawn is the first daylight that appears in the morning: [m] True, The word "deaf" mean a person that can hear: [m] False
    Created 9 days ago (2025-01-30)
  • Medical Services Requests SOP Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Where are the medical request boxes located?: Toon Town, Café, Education hallway, T/F: A staff cannot complete the form for a child.: False, What SWK personnel can assist with checking medical request boxes?: Medical, Shift Leaders, Medical request have to be addressed within what timeframe?: 2 hours
    Created 9 days ago (2025-01-30)
  • Emergency & Non-Emergency Medical Services Requests SOP Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Where are the medical request boxes located?: Toon Town, Café, Education hallway, T/F: A staff cannot complete the form for a child.: False, What SWK personnel can assist with checking medical request boxes?: Medical, Shift Leaders, Medical request have to be addressed within what timeframe?: 2 hours
    Created 9 days ago (2025-01-30)
  • Vocab Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does the word "Sweat" mean?: [m] to give off a salty fluid from the skin pores to cool the body, Write me a sentence with the word "thick": , True or False: dawn is the first daylight that appears in the morning: [m] True, The word "deaf" mean a person that can hear: [m] False
    Created 9 days ago (2025-01-30)
  • AI Quiz (6 words)
    Example: Deepfake allows anyone to say... : [m] Anything , True or false: The author Dr. J. Rocco Blais stated that A.I. can "drive growth in the Polish industry": False , The Turing Test determines if a computer can.. : [m] "Think" , Alan Turing was a British ____? (Hint: A career) : [m] Mathmetician
    Created 10 days ago (2025-01-30)
  • SQF Certification Introduction (5 words)
    Example: SQF is about making sure food is:: [m] Safe and good to eat, SQF is like a : [m] Set of rules to make food safely, Why is SQF important?: [m] To make food safe for our families, How do we achieve SQF?: [m] All of the Above
    Created 10 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • Introduction to First Aid Checkpoint Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What do the letters in "DR ABC" stand for? (5 marks): , Regarding the aims of First Aid, what do the 3 "P"s stand for? (3 marks): , Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 states that in an emergency, who may give first aid to save life or relieve pain or suffering? (1 mark): , If an injured dog is unresponsive to the touch of your foot, why should you use the back of your hand instead of the front of your hand next? (1 mark):
    Created 10 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • Construction industry session 2 knowledge (5 words)
    Example: Which of the following is NOT considered a sector of construction?: [m] Catering , What is the primary role of a carpenter in construction?: [m] Carpenters primarily work with wood, creating and fitting building components., How does the construction industry contribute to the economy?: [m] By reducing unemployment and generating wealth, What is a key consideration in sustainable construction?: [m] Incorporating energy-efficient designs and renewable resources
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • Libel Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What is a Libel?: [m] A false negative claim in an article, Who believed that journalists should have free speech in their articles?: [m] Ben Franklin, Who can be deferred due to a libel?: [m] Small groups, What is it when somebody is liable?: [m] They are legally responsible for something
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • English Vocab (7 words)
    Example: Which word best fits the sentence "I fear the nun because she is so BLANK when smacking our hands with the yardsticks."?: [m] austere, Which word best fits the sentence "Kevin BLANK broccoli, so he bores a hole in the wall to hide it instead of eating it."?: [m] abhors , Which word best fits the sentence "When ever the priest goes to BLANK someone he brings a towel to catch the sweat like he does when he goes to excerise."?: [m] exocise, Which word best fits the sentence "As we were sailing the boat, in the wind the flag started BLANK."?: [m] flailing
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • My Community at Work (4 words)
    Example: The part played by a person or thing in relationship to others: Role, To get: Gain, Trusts; depends: Relies, To slowly bring into being: Develop
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-29)
  • Who Was LeBron James? Chapters 1-6 (5 words)
    Example: When was LeBron James born? (Chapter 1): [m] December 30, 1984, How did LeBron meet Savannah? (Chapter 3): [m] He introduced himself to Savannah at a high school basketball game, What former NBA players criticized LeBron for making The Decision? (Chapter 6): [m] Michael Jordan & Shaquille O’Neal, What car did LeBron get on his birthday? (Chapter 4): [m] GMC
    Created by BeeHetter - 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • It-tabib u l-infermiera (7 words)
    Example: Nieħdu l-annimali morda għand:: [m] il-veterinarju, Meta nkunu morda aħna mmorru għand:: [m] it-tabib, It-tabib huwa:: [m] ħabib tagħna, Meta nkunu morda l-mama' ċċempel:: [m] il-klinika
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • Daily Food Groups Pop Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Eating meat is important for a child's growth.: [m] True, Which of these is a vegetable?: [m] Carrot, Eating just one of my food groups for the day is good enough.: [m] False, Which of these is a protein?: [m] Fish
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • Erythroblastosis Fetalis (7 words)
    Example: True or False : If large numbers of antibodies are present, the infant may be severely anemic: [m] True, RhoGAM is given to the mother within ___ hours of delivery of a Rh-positive infant: [m] 72, True or False : Signs of hydrops fetalis are Swelling and Fluid buildup in a newborn's abdomen and between essential organs. : [m] True, True or False : Phototherapy is treatment with a special type of light. : [m] True
    Created by HunterPogue1228 - 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • Changing Times (7 words)
    Example: What was hard to find in cities?: [m] space and clean water , When did the boll weevil migrate to Alabama? : [m] 1910, What was Susan B. Anthony arrested for? : [m] voting in a presidential election , What did the 16th Amendment do?: [m] allowed the government to collect income tax
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • Atomic Theory Unit: Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Subatomic particle with a positive charge : [m] Proton, Subatomic particle with a negative charge : [m] Electron, Where are the protons and neutrons located in the atom: Nucleus , What part of the atom carries the most atomic mass: Nucleus
    Created 11 days ago (2025-01-28)
  • January Bible Story Wrap (5 words)
    Example: What was the big idea from last week?: [m] I believe God's words are true., Who did Jesus say that He is?: [m] The Messiah , How did Jesus resist temptation? : [m] By using the words of God., Where did Jesus go and how long did Jesus stay there?: [m] The desert ; 40 days and 40 nights.
    Created 12 days ago (2025-01-27)
  • January Bible Story Wrap (5 words)
    Example: What was the big idea from last week?: [m] I believe God's words are true., Who did Jesus say that He is?: [m] The Messiah , How did Jesus resist temptation? : [m] By using the words of God., Where did Jesus go and how long did Jesus stay there?: [m] The desert ; 40 days and 40 nights.
    Created 12 days ago (2025-01-27)
  • New France (7 words)
    Example: Explorer from Italy : [m] John Cabot , Samuel Champlain: [m] Founded the city of Quebec and started the fur trade , Diseases: [m] Scurvy and smallpox , Who were the Métis? : [m] Mixed race (French and indigenous)
    Created 12 days ago (2025-01-27)
  • 222 Trained Week Three Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What does an RPE of 5-6 mean?: [m] Warmup weight, What attachment do we use for the overhead tricep extension?: [m] Rope, Which of these are not part of our checklist when going through a movement?: [m] Failure, What term represents actively moving the weight to feel a contraction in a specific muscle or mucle group?: [m] Mind to mucle connection
    Created 12 days ago (2025-01-27)
  • January Bible Story Wrap (5 words)
    Example: What was the big ideas from last week?: [m] I believe God's words are true., Who did Jesus say that He is?: [m] The Messiah , How did Jesus resist temptation? : [m] By using the words of God., Where did Jesus go and how long did Jesus stay there?: [m] The desert ; 40 days and 40 nights.
    Created 12 days ago (2025-01-27)

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