Word Lists in the Business and Finance Category

The world of businesses, corporations, profit and non-profit, and financial institutions.

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  • Psychology Chapter 1: Section 1-3 Quiz (6 words)
    Example: psychodynamic thinking : the theory that most of what exist in an individual's mind is unconsious and consist of conflicting impluses, urges, and wishes , behavior : is any action that people can observe or measure. , structuralism : the school of psychology , founded by wilhelm Wundt, that maintain that conscious experience breaks down into objective sensations and subjective feelings , theory : a statement that attempts to explain why things are the way they are and why they happen the way they do
    Created by jrogers - 2025-01-09
  • Econ Chapter 8 Test (6 words)
    Example: sole proprietorship: a business owned an controlled by one person , partnership: a business co-owned by two or more people who agree on how reponsibilities, profit, and losses should be divided, coropraton : a business owned by shareholders, who own the rights to the compnay's profit but face only limited liability for the company's debts and losses , public compony: a corporation that issues stock that can be freely traded
    Created by jrogers - 2024-12-04
  • Economics Chapter 6 Test (5 words)
    Example: equilibrium price: the price at which the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal , disequilbrium : when the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are not in balance, price ceiling: the legal maximum price that sellers may charge for a product , black market : illegal buying or selling in violation of price controls or rationing
    Created by jrogers - 2024-11-24
  • Econ Chapter 5: Section 3-4 Quiz (4 words)
    Example: regulation: a set of rules or laws desgined to control business behavior , technology : entails applying scientific methods and innovations to production, input cost : are the price of the resources used to make products , labor productivity : the maount of goods and services that a person can produce in a given time
    Created by jrogers - 2024-11-08
  • Econ Chapter 5; Section 1-2 Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Supply schedule : list how much of a good or service an individual producer is willing and able to offer for sale at each price , market supply curve : it shows how much of a good or service all of producers in a market are willing and able to offer for sale at each price , increasing return : occurs when hiring new workers causes marginal product to increase , variable cost : depends on the level of production output
    Created by jrogers - 2024-11-07
  • Econ Chapter 4 Test (5 words)
    Example: Elasticity of demand : is the measure of how reponsive consumers are to price changes , elastic: if quantity demended changes significantlly as price changes , total revenue : a company's income form selling it products , inelastic : if quannity demanded changes little as price changes
    Created by jrogers - 2024-11-03
  • Econ Chapter 4: section 1-2 Quiz (5 words)
    Example: demand : is the willingness to buy good or service and the ability to pay for it , normal goods : goods that consumers demand more of when thier income rise, complements : goods that are used together, so a rise in demand for the other , sustitute : goods and services that can be used in place of each other
    Created by jrogers - 2024-10-21
  • Economic Chapter 3 Test (7 words)
    Example: public transfer payment : a transfer paymnet in which the government transfers income from taxpayers to reciepeint who do not provide anything in return , market failure : occurs when people who are nt part of the marketplace interaction benefit from it or pay part of its cost, public goods : products provided by ferderal, state and local government and consumered by the public as a group , transfer payment : transfers of income from one person or group to another even though the receiver does not provide anything in return
    Created by jrogers - 2024-10-14
  • Economics Chapter 3: Section 1-2 (7 words)
    Example: Free enterpise system : is another name for capitalism, an economis system based on private ownership of productive resources , open opporunity : is the abiity of everyone to take part in the market by free choice, legal equality : is the siutation in which everyone has the same economic rights under the law , free contract : is a situation in which people decide which legal agreements to enter into
    Created by jrogers - 2024-10-06
  • Economics Chapter 2; Section 3-4 (5 words)
    Example: Laissez faire: The princple that the government should not interfere in the economy , competition: the effort of two or more people acting independently to get business by offering the best deal, specialization: a situation that occurs when individuals or businesses concentrate thier efforts in the area in which they have advantage for increased productivity and profit , mixed economy: an economic system that has elements of traditional, command, and market economies: the most common economic system
    Created by jrogers - 2024-09-27
  • Economics Chapter 2: Section 1-2 (7 words)
    Example: economic systems : the way a society uses resources to satisfy its people's wants , tradional economy : an economic system in which people produce and distribute goods according to the customs hannded down form generation to generation , command economy : an economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions , market economy : an economic system in which individuals choice and voluntary exchange direct econmic decisions
    Created by jrogers - 2024-09-24
  • Intro to Econ (5 words)
    Example: scarcity : when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants , trade-off : alternative people give up when they makechoices , Production Possibilities Curve : a graph used by economist to show the impact of scarcity on an economy, normative economics : invokes judgment of what economic behavior ought to be
    Created 2024-09-11
  • Economics Chapter 1 Quiz (5 words)
    Example: scarcity: when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants, trade-off: the alternative people give up when they make choices, production possibilities curve (PPC): a graph used by economists to show the impact of scarcity on a economy , normative economics: involves judgements of what economic behavior ought to be
    Created 2024-09-11
  • Economics Chapter 1 Quiz (4 words)
    Example: scarcity: when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants, trade-off: the alternative people give up when they make choices, production possibilities curve (PPC): a graph used by economists to show the impact of scarcity on a economy , normative economics: involves judgements of what economic behavior ought to be
    Created 2024-09-11
  • DECISION-MAKING (7 words)
    Example: values: A person's principals of standards or behaviors; ones judgement of what is important, peer: One that is of equal standing with another, habits: A regular tendancy or practice; especially one that is hard to give up, risks: A situation involving exposure to danger
    Created 2023-08-29
  • 191-200 (7 words)
    Example: produced or made in large numbers: prolific, a series of stories or events that a person imagines: fantasy, the act of giving up something up for the sake of something: sacrifice, to give or hand over something to someone else: refer
    Created 2023-04-10
  • Intro to Depository Institutions Vocabulary Quiz (13 words)
    Example: A machine that allows depository institution customers to complete certain transactions from the machine without the need for human assistance: Automatic Teller Machine, Accounts offered by depository institutions whose main purpose is to help people manage their money: Savings Tools, An account that allows quick access to funds for transactions: Checking Account, An account at a depository institution that is designed to hold money not spent on current consumption: Savings Account
    Created by dcoker - 2022-11-03
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (7 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: Protects Against Unexpected Costs, Protects The Value Of Your Car, Repairs Carried Out By By An Established National Repair Network, Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: Tyres Used At Incorrect Pressure, Tyres With Tread Below 1.6mm, Wear & Tear, Fire or Theft, Lack Of Maintenance. , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (7 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: Protects Against Unexpected Costs, Protects The Value Of Your Car, Repairs Carried Out By By An Established National Repair Network, Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: Tyres Used At Incorrect Pressure, Tyres With Tread Below 1.6mm, Wear & Tear, Fire or Theft, Lack Of Maintenance. , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (7 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: Protects Against Unexpected Costs, Protects The Value Of Your Car, Repairs Carried Out By By An Established National Repair Network, Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (7 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (6 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (6 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Tyre & Alloy Wheel Insurance (4 words)
    Example: Which Terms Are Available On Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: [m] 24 & 36 Months, Please List 3 Key Benefits Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , Please List 3 Exclusions Of Our Tyre & Alloy Policy: , How Many Alloy Wheel Refurbishments Are Covered?: [m] 10
    Created 2020-10-08
  • Estados financieros y su análisis (7 words)
    Example: Son los documentos contables que muestran la situación económica de la empresa : estados financieros, Es el examen detallado de una cosa para conocer sus características o cualidades: análisis, es el estudio de la relación que existe entre los diversos elementos que conforman los estados financieros de un ente económico en un tiempo determinado: análisis de estados financieros, proviene del latín bis, que significa dos, y lanx que significa platos o platillos: balance
    Created by Key Conta - 2020-09-18
  • Sweet 16 trivia (7 words)
    Example: When is the birthday Girls actual Birthday? : , Where was she born?: , What is her middle name? : , What is her favorite movie? :
    Created 2020-02-14
  • Guest Room Quiz (7 words)
    Example: List two ways the in room safes can be opened. : , How do you properly close the safes in the guests rooms? : , Where is the remote usually located inside the guests rooms? : , How do you make hot water in the rooms? List the steps: :
    Created 2019-11-20
  • Proyecto creación de una empresa (7 words)
    Example: La misión. visión y valores. Conforman la..........: FILOSOFÍA ORGANIZACIONAL, Elemento de la planificación que nos permite establecer un tiempo para llegar a la ..........................de la organización: META, Para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos la empresa elabora acciones que se llaman................................: ESTRATEGIAS, Para saber cuál es la situación de la empresa en el mercado. Se realiza un análisis del....................: ENTORNO
    Created by Hagar - 2019-10-14
  • Elasticity (7 words)
    Example: The price elasticity of demand is 5.0 if a 10 percent increase in the price results in a ________ decrease in the quantity demanded. : [m] 50%, Negative sign in YED denotes:: [m] Inferior Good, XED = - 0.43: [m] Complement & Inelastic, YED = + 2.4: [m] Normal good & Necessity good
    Created 2019-09-18
  • Quest for Success Unit 1 Vocabulary (4 words)
    Example: cadsfasadfasdasdf: sfsdf, adfsdf: sfsdf, adfadsf: sdfdf, adsfadf: sdfsfds
    Created 2019-09-13
  • Finance 1 (7 words)
    Example: anything acceptable that can be used to exchange for goods and services: money, real items that can be seen or touched: goods, using your money for payments or purchases: spend, work that is provided by another person: services
    Created 2019-08-03
  • Tuck Everlasting Characters (7 words)
    Example: The 10-year-old main protagonist of the novel.: Winnie Foster , Stopped aging at age 17 and is therefore described as very good-looking, despite being 104.: Jesse Tuck, The leader of the Tuck family, the husband of Mae and the father of Jesse and Miles.: Angus Tuck, Angus’s wife and the mother of Jesse and Miles and she is gentle and kind.: Mae Tuck
    Created 2018-11-15
  • shs (4 words)
    Example: njnninisx: jhbh, hbjjnn: hbhjbh, hbjhb: bhbhb, hghjg: bbjb
    Created 2018-10-23
  • Economics vocabulary (7 words)
    Example: Policy designed to redress past discrimination against minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities: Affirmative Action, Opponents of ratification of the Constitution and of a strong central government: Antifederalists, the first constitution of the United States: Articles of Confederation, The principle of a two-house legislature.: Bicameralism
    Created 2018-09-05
    Example: Please describe how to edit HUB records to avoid re-keying an Aviva application if any changes are made by editing ALPS : , Please outline the Key Benefits to MS Connect : , If you have any questions regarding MS Connect who is the go to person in Mortgage Development?: , Every now and then users will receive alerts to notify them of mandatory read documents or new versions of documents they are subscribed to, where will this be displayed?:
    Created 2018-04-18
  • The Basics Module 1 - Common Sense Economics (7 words)
    Example: Incentives are the rewards and penalties associated with choices. : Incentives, When productive resources are limited and the human desire for goods and services is practically unlimited: scarcity, The highest valued alternative good or activity that must be sacrificed as a result of choosing an option: Opportunity Cost, Economic theory that states individuals make economic decisions when the value is determined by how much additional utility or benefit an extra unit of a good or service provides: Marginalism
    Created 2018-03-19
  • The Basics Module 1 - Common Sense Economics (7 words)
    Example: Incentives are the rewards and penalties associated with choices. : Incentives, When productive resources are limited and the human desire for goods and services is practically unlimited: scarcity, The highest valued alternative good or activity that must be sacrificed as a result of choosing an option: Opportunity Cost, Economic theory that states individuals make economic decisions when the value is determined by how much additional utility or benefit an extra unit of a good or service provides: Marginalism
    Created 2018-03-19
  • CTE - Introduction to Productivity (7 words)
    Example: What is a Career Plan?: An outline of what you want to do in life, What is Productivity?: A measure of the efficiency of a person, What is the purpose of an Agenda ?: To keep track of yor time and schedule, Name 3 Communication Styles? : Visual, Hands-On, Writting, Technology.
    Created 2017-09-19
  • Science (4 words)
    Example: hat are Biblical Kinds?: groups of reproducing organisms that Gd established, Where do plants get there energy?: sun, What is taxonomny?: science of classifying living organisms, Today's classification system was developed by Linnaus what are they?: kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus, and species
    Created 2016-09-11
  • Macroeconomics (7 words)
    Example: A keynesian term for a relation between the changes in demand for consumer goods and changes in the demand for capital goods: accelerator, A type of inventory investment when customers buy a different amount of product than expected: unintended, A keynesian term for a relation between the changes in consumption and changes in output: multiplier, A situation with a very high levels of unemployment and very low levels of output, compared to the historical average: depression
    Created 2014-05-04
  • Economic Vocab Word Search (20 words)
    Example: economic law that states that consumers buy more of a good when its price decreases and less when its price increases: law of demand, ____ effect: when consumers react to an increase in a good’s price by substituting it with a similar product: substitution, when the price of a product gets higher, the producer supplies more: law of supply, too much demand, not enough supply: excess demand
    Created 2013-01-19

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